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He frequently transformed the temples of the divinity into brothels for prostitution; and virgins who had consecrated themselves to remain unpolluted servants of a God, he bayoneted into dens of impurity, infamy, and profligacy; and in these abominations he prided himself.

Most of the men do not realize that prostitution offers great danger to their own health, still greater danger to the health of innocent wives and children, and a greatly shortened life for many women who are the victims of sexual slavery. Most men do not know that dark tragedies are often concealed beneath the apparent gay life of the women who are victims of sexual degradation.

The Japanese attitude towards prostitution at any rate leaves a door open for the woman who has, from whatever the reason, lapsed from the paths of virtue to return thereto. This appears to my mind to be a more satisfactory state of things than the continual harrying and worrying of prostitutes in the name of indignant virtue and the driving of them on the streets.

She cannot pay it with palliatives with child-labor laws, prohibition, regulation of prostitution and agitation against war. Political nostrums and social panaceas are but incidentally and superficially useful. They do not touch the source of the social disease. War, famine, poverty and oppression of the workers will continue while woman makes life cheap.

It would not be desirable for the high school teachers who are to be models of virtue to live a second life as gamblers and pick-pockets, but it is more dangerous if they are the agents of intellectual culture and indulge at the same time in intellectual prostitution. No spirit of false tolerance ought any longer to be permitted, when the treacherous danger has become so nation wide.

And don't, in your amusement over this illustration, lose sight of the serious nature of what I am talking about the horrible economic lunacy which is known as poverty, and which is responsible for most of the evils we have in this world to-day for crime and prostitution, suicide, insanity and war.

It was simply an economic question of supply and demand. Labour was wanted in America at any price. The emigration had the same effect in Bosnia as in Montenegro. A large surplus of women remained behind, and the birth-rate of illegitimate children rose high and, as is perhaps inevitable with a military occupation, prostitution was common.

The child stood in an attitude of artless curiosity, studying the Baroness out of the corner of her eye, for her palsied trembling puzzled her greatly. Adeline sighed deeply as she saw this jewel of womanhood in the mire of prostitution, and determined to rescue her to virtue. "What is your name, my dear?" "Atala, madame." "And can you read and write?"

These race-courses are not for horse-racing, but for reservoirs of avarice and drunkenness and prostitution. Don't think" he was looking straight into the painted faces of the women in pink and yellow, who were trying to smile and look amused "don't think I am going to abuse the unhappy girls who are forced by a corrupt civilization to live by their looks.

What made syphilis terrible to the many really fine and upright spirits in the mass thus flung together in a common bondage? It was not the fear of paresis, or of any other consequence of the disease. It was the torture of disgrace, unearned shame, burnt into their backs by those who think syphilis a weapon against prostitution and a punishment for sin.