United States or Malawi ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I tried to prove the validity of a kindly thought with no selling device attached to it; I tried to make it such a word of frank companionship as I myself, working in my own fields, would like to receive. Among the letter-boxes in the group was one that stood a little detached and behind the others, as though shrinking from such prosperous company.

He restored to their former rank the persons whom Chosroes had degraded or imprisoned, and compensated them for their injuries by a liberal donation of money. Thus far all seemed to promise well for the new reign, which, though it had commenced under unfavorable auspices, bid fair to be tranquil and prosperous. In one quarter only was there any indication of coming troubles.

They have drugged themselves with their own talk of how safe and strong and prosperous they are. Bah! There is no people so easy to fool. They think we strike for recognition of some union, or that it is for higher wages, or some other local grievance. Bah! We use for an excuse anything that will give us a hold on the labor class. These silly unions, they are nothing in themselves.

First the salmon-fishing, then the lumbering, next the cattle-export, and now the fruit-growing. It is a fine and prosperous country. It is the wrong time of year for the fruit, or we might have made an excursion to the south to get a look at it, for we could go down the great lakes, through the Crow's Nest Pass, and back again to the main line in a loop.

"Looks to be a thousand years, though," agreed the hotel man. "Where you been?" "Oh, just prospecting," I replied vaguely. "Strike it?" "Just fair," I evaded; "not rich enough to keep me from coming back, you see. Any finds here?" "The diggings are rich as mud," replied the hotel man dispassionately. "It's a prosperous camp all right." "You don't 'wash' yourself?" I asked.

The position of all agricultural products indicates a better balanced supply, but we can not yet conclude that agriculture is recovered from the effects of the war period or that it is permanently on a prosperous basis. The cattle industry has not yet recovered and in some sections has been suffering from dry weather.

This new spirit, with its multiform manifestations, which came into the world nearly nineteen hundred years ago, is sometimes called the spirit of Christmas. And good reasons can be given for supposing that it is. At any rate, those nations that have the most of it are the most prosperous, and those people who have the most of it are the most agreeable to associate with.

In the belief that property values would be thus enhanced, the common aim brought together the more prosperous people of the vicinity, somewhat as the Hull-House Cooperative Coal Association brought together the poorer ones. I remember that during the second campaign against our alderman, Governor Pingree of Michigan came to visit at Hull-House.

It was not until you had climbed the hill from the clump of houses and shops which had grown up around the railway station, a place of prosperous ugliness and unabashed modernity, that you perceived the respectable evidences of what is called in America "an ancient town."

Leslie, though rich and prosperous, stepped into the linked circle led by Peter, who was neither. Having money, and a desire to make himself conscious of the fact by using it, he consulted Miss Hope as to how best to be philanthropic. He wanted, it seemed, to be a philanthropist as well as a collector, and felt incapable of being either otherwise than through agents.