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The girl, standing motionless beside her window, confessed to herself, as she had not been willing to confess to Gertrude, that something had happened some change of climate and temperature in her own life. In the first place, the Movement was not prospering. Why deny it? Who could deny it?

Or a man sees his opening on this side or on that, as is the case with the lawyers. Or he has a body of men at his back ready to support him on this side or on that, as we see with commercial men. Or perhaps he has some vague idea that aristocracy is pleasant, and he becomes a Conservative, or that democracy is prospering, and he becomes a Liberal. You are a Liberal, Mr. Finn." "Certainly, Duke."

Then came the happy days of his married life in Bread Street, all through James's reign, his business prospering and music still his delight, but his three surviving children growing up about him, and his heart full of generous resolves for their education, and especially of pride in that one of them on whose high promise teachers and neighbours were always dilating.

Are you not prisoners at our mercy?" said the interpreter to them, pointing to the soldiers, motionless at the door of the tent. "Willingly or unwillingly, I will be obeyed." Albinik reflected that resistance was impossible. Death he was not afraid of; but to die was to renounce his plans at the moment when they seemed to be prospering.

So now my career in the East Indies was over, and I set my face to return home. The first person to whom I communicated my intention was Colonel Clive. He was at first astonished, and told me so. "Why do you mean to leave me now, when all our affairs are prospering, and you have nothing to do but to stay on and enrich yourself?

But his business not prospering to suit him, he removed to Wichita, which was at that time a straggling village of uncertain fortunes, situated on a river of doubtful reputation, and located in a country concerning which the public were debating whether it should be called "The Great American Desert," or a decent place, where civilized men could live and thrive. But Bro.

The squire of one's parish, the head of one's family, and one's elder brother, when the three are united in the same personage, will become important to one, even though the personage himself be not heroic. Ralph had written home twice, and everything was prospering with him.

This was the sixth quinquennial distribution which Harsha had held and the last, for he died in 648. He at first favoured the Hinayana but subsequently went over to the Mahayana, being moved in part by the exhortations of Hsüan Chuang. Yet the substance of Hsüan Chuang's account is that though Buddhism was prospering in the Far East it was decaying in India.

Blaise's home was prospering too; Charlotte had now given birth to a second child, a boy, and thus fruitfulness was invading the place and usurpation becoming more and more likely, since Constance could never more have an heir to bar the road of conquest.

The children were well and happy, and Arthur's business was prospering in a wonderful way, and all anxiety about ways and means, might be put aside for the present. They often heard from Norman, and from their friends in Merleville, and Graeme felt that with so much to make her thankful and happy, it would be ungrateful indeed to be otherwise. In the spring, they removed to another house.