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"Good-bye, porter; you have made us very comfortable," said Jane, shaking hands with him. "Thank you, Miss; it shuah is a pleasuah to wait on a young lady like you, Miss. It shuah is, Miss. Ah wish you a prospec jounay, Miss, Ah do." "I wonder what is keeping Mr. Wakeham," said Jane. "I am very sorry to keep you waiting, Mrs. Waring-Gaunt. Larry, would you mind?"

I who say it have preserve' my belief in what she will become through the discouragement ter-r-ible. I who speak have prospec' this land from end to end. I know her largesse. Believe me, sair, the tr-r-easures that were sought by the Castilian knights of old through all thees parts are indeed to be found here, not the white silvaire of Castilian dreams, but iron! Coppaire! Lead! Zinc!"

The minister was sair owercome at the prospec', honest man. It was a' he cud do, to win at the en' o' his discoorse ohn grutten ootricht." "He sees into the will o' the Almichty. He's far ben wi' Him that's verra clear." "Ay, lass, ay."

"Nonsense!" she said, briskly. "You know very well you haven't prospected your claim for what it's worth. You haven't had time." "I don' got to prospec' him," 'Poleon asserted. "Dat's good t'ing 'bout dat claim. Some Swede fellers above me cross-cut de whole dam' creek an' don' fin' so much as one color. Sapre! Dat's fonny creek. She 'ain't got no gravel."

"You see, sir, if it was a page-in-buttons I was to be, to attend on my young lady the guv'ness, I might take it into consideration; but to go into buttons an' blue merely to open a door an' do the purlite to wisitors, an' mix up things with bad smells by way of a change why, d'ee see, the prospec' ain't temptin'. Besides, I hate blue.

Must tink all the time and be worried by dese things. For God's sake you don't fidget. You tink all the suffering was wit you, but it was inside of me where the pain live." "Ha ha!" said Richard. "Discomfort is nutting. I haf before me the prospec' to be beat. It wass the torture to be beat. You know that." "Not yet." "Mus' be taught."