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III. I. Comparison between Carthage and Rome IV. X. Proscription-Lists III. III. Autonomy, III. VII. the State of Culture in Spain, III. XII. Coins and Moneys III. XII. Coins and Moneys III. XIII. Increase of Amusements This was a cheap dwelling. III. I. Comparison between Carthage and Rome IV. II. Tribunate of Gracchus

IV. VII. Bestowal of Latin Rights on the Italian Celts, 527 It is a significant trait, that a distinguished teacher of literature, the freedman Staberius Eros, allowed the children of the proscribed to attend his course gratuitously. IV. X. Proscription-Lists IV. IX. Pompeius IV. IV. Administration under the Restoration IV. IV. Livius Drusus IV. IX. Government of Cinna IV. IX. Pompeius

III. I. Comparison between Carthage and Rome IV. X. Proscription-Lists III. III. Autonomy, III. VII. the State of Culture in Spain, III. XII. Coins and Moneys III. XII. Coins and Moneys III. XIII. Increase of Amusements This was a cheap dwelling. III. I. Comparison between Carthage and Rome IV. II. Tribunate of Gracchus

He found out afterwards, as he tells Atticus, that proscription-lists of all Caesar's adherents had been prepared by Pompey and his partisans, and that his old friend's name figured as one of the victims. Only this makes it possible to forgive him for the little feeling that he showed when he heard of Pompey's own miserable end.

All was soon amicably settled; the proscription-lists were made out, and the Triumvirate occupied Rome. Cicero and his brother whose name was known to be also on the fatal roll heard of it while they were together at the Tusculan villa. Both took immediate measures to escape. But Quintus had to return to Rome to get money for their flight, and, as it would appear, to fetch his son.

The most terrible feature in this system of terror was the indefiniteness of the proposed categories, against which there was immediate remonstrance in the senate, and which Sulla himself sought to remedy by directing the names of the proscribed to be publicly posted up and fixing the 1st June 673 as the final term for closing the lists of proscription. Proscription-Lists

The most terrible feature in this system of terror was the indefiniteness of the proposed categories, against which there was immediate remonstrance in the senate, and which Sulla himself sought to remedy by directing the names of the proscribed to be publicly posted up and fixing the 1st June 673 as the final term for closing the lists of proscription. Proscription-Lists

IV. VII. Bestowal of Latin Rights on the Italian Celts, 527 It is a significant trait, that a distinguished teacher of literature, the freedman Staberius Eros, allowed the children of the proscribed to attend his course gratuitously. IV. X. Proscription-Lists IV. IX. Pompeius IV. IV. Administration under the Restoration IV. IV. Livius Drusus IV. IX. Government of Cinna IV. IX. Pompeius