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But if even He, doubtless by the wisdom of His own will, did not many great works "propter incredulitatem," it is the less to be marvelled at that His Saints, through the person of the Blessed Maid, were of no avail where men utterly disbelieved. And that, where infidelity was, even she must labour in vain was shown anon, even on this very day of my escape out of Paris town.

And before that Tenterden Steeple was in building there was no manner of speaking of any flats or sands that stopped the haven; and therefore I thinke that Tenterden steeple is the cause of the destroying and decaying of Sandwich haven." Post hoc, propter hoc and this silly old man has been held up to all ensuing ages as an absurdly simple old fellow.

At the Club-house afterwards the lawyers renewed their squabble over a tangled collision case, and the doctors as naturally compared professional matters. 'Lies all lies, said Sir John, when Gilbert had told him Conroy's trouble. 'Post hoc, propter hoc. The man or woman who drugs is ipso facto a liar. You've no imagination. ''Pity you haven't a little occasionally.

This, again, is an example of Marsilio's position: "Convenerunt enim homines ad civilem communicationem propter commodum et vitæ sufficientiam consequendam, et opposita declinandum. Quæ igitur omnium tangere possunt commodum et incommodum, ab omnibus sciri debent et audiri, ut commodum assequi et oppositum repellere possint."

Sir Edward Coke reduces the heads of challenge to four. 1st, propter honoris respectum; as if a lord of Parliament be impannelled. 2d, propter defectum; as if a juryman be an alien born, or be in other respects generally objectionable. 3d, propter affectum; for suspicion of bias or partiality: and 4th, propter delictum; or, for some crime that affects the juror's credit, and renders him infamous; In treason and felony, the prisoner is allowed the privilege of a limited number of peremptory challenges; after which, as in misdemeanours, there is no limit to the number of challenges, if the party shows some cause for each challenge to the court.

Vale civitas, valete castelli parvi; relicti estis propter aquam et non per vim inimicorum! Oh! the donkey 'Castelli parvi!" "What does it mean?" asked the Beggar. "Farewell, Leyden, farewell, ye little 'Castelli; ye are abandoned on account of the waves, and not of the power of the enemy. 'Parvi Castelli! I must tell mother that!"

For instance, on folio 87, recto, we find "tolerare laborem propter virtutem quis vult si praemia desunt," written in the style of "Experience" No. 1 above, though not so carefully, and immediately beneath it, manifestly with the same pen, and it would seem with the same pen-full of ink, "the saying of Galen," in the style of No. 4, "strangers where they come," etc.

SUMMAM SENECTUTEM: Sophocles died at the age of 90 in 405 B.C. QUOD PROPTER STUDIUM: 'from his devotion to this occupation'. FILIIS: except Plutarch, who probably follows Cicero's words, all the authorities tell the story of the poet's eldest son Iophon only. The tale is full of improbabilities. REM: = rem familiarem as in 1. Cf. Xenophon, Mem. 1, 2, 49.

These should each of them arise out of the structure of the Plot itself, so as to be the consequence, necessary or probable, of the antecedents. There is a great difference between a thing happening propter hoc and post hoc.

The arguments commonly brought against its application to all matters of medical observation, treatment included, seem to apply rather to the tabulation of facts ill observed, or improperly classified, than to the method itself. The post hoc ergo propter hoc error: he got well after taking my medicine; therefore in consequence of taking it.