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"These other people are dull, while you are charmingly wicked." "You flatter me," he cackled, detaining her, to the impatience of the thick-set man who was waiting to escort the young woman back to town. "But do you notice the gentleman over there with the medals?" "The distinguished-looking man?" asked Susan. "Yes; that is the Count de Propriac.

But now the principal callers at the old house were the little fat priest, with a rosy smile, who looked after the aged lady's soul, of which she was most solicitous in these later days, and the Count de Propriac, who came ostensibly to see the elderly woman and chat about genealogy and extraction, but was obviously not unmindful of the presence of the young girl nor averse to seeking to mitigate her sorrow.

"Marriage?" he asked soberly. "Well, the engagement is not yet announced," said Susan, hesitatingly. "But you know how things get around? And the count has been so attentive! You remember him surely the Count de Propriac? But I must be off. I have an appointment with my husband and am already half an hour late." "Don't let me detain you longer, then, I beg." "Oh, I don't mind.

Be-ribboned and be-medaled, the Count de Propriac, acting for the land baron, and Barnes, who had accompanied the soldier, were consulting over the weapons, a magnificent pair of rapiers with costly steel guards, set with initials and a coronet.

A supper was given the company after the performance by the manager, to which representatives of the press artful Barnes! had been invited. Of all the merry evenings in the bohemian world, that was one of the merriest. Next to the young girl sat the Count de Propriac, his breast covered with a double row of medals.

"I played him too freely," he groaned to the Count de Propriac, as the latter sat contemplatively nursing the ivory handle of his cane and offering the land baron such poor solace as his company afforded. "I misjudged the attack, besides exposing myself too much. If I could only meet him again!" The visitor reflectively took the handle of the stick from his lips, thrust out his legs and yawned.