United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

From a Lady in Suffolk. This Receipt was communicated in this manner: viz. Sir, I have seen the Method you propose to embalm Partridges, in your Farmer's Monthly Director, and have tried it so far, that I have kept them, done that way, a Month.

With every feelingofwith every sentiment ofof—’ ‘Gratification’suggested the friend of the family. ‘—Of gratification, I beg to propose the health of Mr. Minns.’ ‘Standing, gentlemen!’ shouted the indefatigable little man with the whiskers‘and with the honours. Take your time from me, if you please. Hip! hip! hip!—Za!—Hip! hip! hip!—Za!—Hip hip!—Za-a-a!’

Cotter, Mark, and his two friends first had an interview with the chief. "You will understand," the latter said, "that this is an altogether informal affair. I propose you first tell me your story as briefly as possible." This was done. "Now, Mr. Cotter. I take it that you do not wish to prosecute?" "Certainly not. I would, in fact, give anything rather than appear in it."

The field which they prepare is found in front of their ant-hill; it is a terrace in extent about a square metre or more; there they will allow no other plant to grow but that from which they propose to gather fruit. This culture represents for these insects a much more important property than a wheat field for man.

Since, however, we must look forward to emigration as the ultimate solution of the problem which confronts us, we shall briefly indicate the lines upon which we propose to carry it out. In the establishment of Over-sea Colonies we shall follow very closely the lines laid down in "Darkest England."

Let me state briefly what appears to me to be the proper basis of this judgment. I have said that I am not entitled simply to suppress your action as may be approved by my own judgment. Now, did I propose to do so, what justification should I offer? I should present, no doubt, the facts in the case. I should show you the incompatibility of your presently adopted course with the general good.

How vivid, straight, and cleanly it seems when done: merely the outward utterance of "what the mind at home, in the spacious circuits of her musing, hath liberty to propose to herself." Let a man's mind depart from his audience; let him have no concern whether to shock or to please. Let him carry no consideration save to utter, with unsparing fidelity, what passes in his own spirit.

I cannot think of it without a revulsion of feeling that is strangely personal." "I won't argue that point with you, but I think you ought to come home." "Why? Why ought I to come to Sussex, and marry my neighbour's daughter?" "There is no reason that you should marry your neighbour's daughter, but I take it that you do not propose to pass your life here."

She did not appear alarmed, at least to the extent of hysteria, though she struggled feebly, and said that somebody was a big, brutal gorilla, and that she did not propose to be snatched from the bosom of her tribe to be conveyed to some tree-top refuge, and there become a monster's bride.

"Lieutenant Davon, of the British Navy, of H.M.S. Standard, which is stationed at the Bermudas." Emotion choked me so that it was impossible for me to utter a word. "We have come to rescue you from Ker Karraje, and also propose to carry off Thomas Roch," he added. "Thomas Roch?" I stammered. "Yes, the document signed by you was found on the beach at St. George "