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The Age, we live in, has been, not undeservedly, esteem'd a knowing one: But to the Learned Clergy much has been owing for its having obtain'd that Character; and tho' some few Gentlemen have been the greatest advancers of Learning amongst us; yet they are very rare who apply themselves to any Science that is curious: And as for such knowledge as is no less than requisite for Men of Families, and Estates to have in regard of the proper business of their Station; it may, I think, be said that never was this more neglected than at present; since there is not a commoner complaint in every County than of the want of Gentlemen Qualified for the Service of their Country, viz. to be Executors of the Law, and Law Makers; both of which it belonging to this Rank of English Men to be, some insight into the Law which they are to see Executed, and into that Constitution which they are to support, cannot but be necessary to their well dischargeing these Trusts: Nor will this Knowledge be sufficiently Servicable to the Ends herein propos'd, without some Acquaintance likewise with History, Politicks, and Morals.

The exquisite Plot of these High Solunarians answer'd the Crolians End, for it broke all their Enemies Measures, the Law vanish'd, the Grandees could hardly be perswaded to read it, and when it was propos'd to be read again, they hist at it, and threw it by with Contempt.

You'l easily Conclude, that this is farr more strange, than what I propos'd but as not Impossible; since the Sense of the Retina seeming to be much more Tender and quick than that of those Grosser Filaments, Nerves or Membranes of our Fingers, wherewith we use to handle Gross and Hard Bodies, it seems scarce credible, that any Accustomance, or Diet, or peculiarity of Constitution, should enable a Man to distinguish with such Gross and Unsuitable Organs, such Nice and Subtile Differences as those of the forms of Asperity, that belong to differing Colours, to receive whose Languid and Delicate Impressions by the Intervention of Light, Nature seems to have appointed and contexed into the Retina the tender and delicate Pith of the Optick Nerve.

He began the Discourse, addressing himself to me, after the usual Ceremonies. "I am sorry, said he, to find what I propos'd meet with any Objection from one whose Penetration makes me fear some Obstacle considerable, which has escaped my Scrutiny. However, if I have the Mortification to have my Views baffled, yet shall I reap the Advantage of being instructed in what I am ignorant of.

In the minute of one of those Excursions of his Passion, came into his Presence the seemingly revolted Lunarian Noble Man, and falling in with his present Passions, prompts him to a speedy revenge; and propos'd his erecting a Court of Searches, something like the Spanish Inquisition, giving them plenipotentiary Authority to hear and determine all Ecclesiastical Causes absolutely, and without Appeal.

Sir, e'er you grow in rage at what I've said, Do you think I love you, or believe my life Were to be valued more than your repose? You seem to think it is not. Phi. Possibly I may. Alcan. The sin of what I have propos'd to you You only seem to hate: Sir, is it so? If such religious thoughts about you dwell, Why is it that you thus perplex your self? Self-murder sure is much the greater sin.

An improvement of the fortieth Experiment. And, Pyrophilus, to confirm yet further the Notions that led me to think on the propos'd Experiment, I shall acquaint you with another, which when I had conveniency I have sometimes added to it, and which has to the Spectators appear'd little less Odd than the first; And though because the Liquor, requisite to make the Trial succeed well, must be on purpose prepar'd anew a while before, because it will not long retain its fitness for this work, I do but seldome annex this Experiment to the other, yet I shall tell you how I devis'd it, and how I make it.

But if no contrary Inclination obstruct this Felicity, a greater cannot certainly be propos'd, since Friendship has been allow'd by the wisest, most vertuous, and most generous Men of all Ages to be the solidest and sweetest pleasure in this World: And where can Friendship have so much advantage to arrive to, and be maintain'd in its Perfection, as where two Persons have inseparably one and the same Interest; and see themselves united, as it were, in their common Off-spring?

But those hinted, Pyrophilus, I must now leave such as You to prosecute, having already spent farr more time than I intended to allow my self in acquainting You with particular Experiments and Observations concerning the changes of Colour, to which I might have added many more, but that I hope I may have presented You with a competent number to make out in some measure what I have at the beginning of this Essay either propos'd as my Design in this Tract, or deliver'd as my Conjectures concerning these matters.

Wherefore I confess, I propos'd divers Scruples, and particularly whether the Doctor had taken care to bind a Napkin or Hankerchief over his Eyes so carefully, as to be sure he could make no use of his Sight, though he had but Counterfeited the want of it, to which I added divers other Questions, to satisfie my Self, whether there were any Likelihood of Collusion or other Tricks.