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Hedge-warbler, young of the. Heel, small projection of, in the Aymara Indians. Hegt, M., on the development of the spurs in peacocks. Heliconidae, mimicry of, by other butterflies. Heliopathes, stridulation peculiar to the male. Heliothrix auriculata, young of. Helix pomatia, example of individual attachment in. Hellins, J., proportions of sexes of Lepidoptera reared by.

On the right of the hall-door were the saloons and drawing-rooms, and on the other side the oak room, the parlour, the grand dining-room, the library, where Pen had found books in old days. Round three sides of the hall ran a gallery, by which, and corresponding passages, the chief bedrooms were approached, and of which many were of stately proportions and exhibited marks of splendour.

For nearly eight years he lay helpless on a couch, with the use of his limbs gone, wasted almost to the proportions of a child, wasted so that a woman could carry him about; the sight of one eye lost, that of the other greatly dimmed, and requiring, that it might be exercised, to have the palsied eyelid lifted and held up by the finger; all this, and besides this, suffering at short intervals paroxysms of nervous agony.

The house she indicated was almost black with time and soot, but its fine proportions suggested spacious, high-ceiled rooms, and whatever its present condition, a past of dignity and importance. "How extremely interesting! What a remarkable neighbourhood this seems to be!" "Is it like a fairy-tale where you stay when you aren't here?" Virginia asked.

To obtain more precise knowledge to be able to subject to grasp and measure the uncertain phantoms which I feared was, if not to reduce their proportions, at least to rid me of that excruciating suspense, in determining what to do, which was the natural result of my present ignorance. With some painstaking, I was enabled to find and force an interview with Edgerton that very day.

In person, he was tall, fair, gracile, and of limbs distinguished for their elegant proportions. His eyes were black and piercing.

So, little by little, the scheme had grown to proportions that sometimes appalled the rector when he realized how largely he had been responsible for the additions, in spite of the lukewarmness with which he had begun. And yet it had occasionally been Mr.

When such schemes flourish, by which men's gains are suddenly swollen to enormous proportions, somebody must be paying for it, and life is always the final payment. It all comes out of the life of the people who are producing the world's wealth. The plethora of the few is the depletion of the millions.

The slender man who wishes to give the impression of being broad-chested may have the buttons on his coat placed a little farther apart than fashion may allow, as shown in sketch 84. The proportions may be easily preserved by a careful adjustment of the shoulder-seams and the seams under the arms.

Boys wandered around, hunted up their friends, and saw what gaps death always busiest during the cold spells had made in the ranks of their acquaintances. During the warmest part of the day everybody disrobed, and spent an hour or more killing the lice that had waxed and multiplied to grievous proportions during the few days of comparative immunity.