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I might pertend as I'd had visions and revelations sent to me, and dress myself up in a black coat and a white neck-an-kecher, and suchlike paycock's plumes I might tar and feather myself if I pleased, if it come to that and give out as I was a prophit and a Latter Day Saint; but where 'ud be the difference, I want to know?

I was a stranger, knowing only two men in all Calcutta; but they were friends in need, who looked after me during my illness with the greatest kindness. A leading doctor of Calcutta attended me, and treated me with unremitting attention and great skill. To Mr. John Bathgate and Mr. Maxwell Prophit and to Dr. Arnold Caddy I owe a lasting debt of gratitude.

I call this Vally my TRENT VALLY, for it was the prophit I got from that exlent line, which injuiced me to ingage him. "Besides my North British Plate and Breakfast equipidge I have two handsom suvvices for dinner the goold plate for Sundays, and the silver for common use.

Once upon a time when the mulatto, Fred. Douglass, was orating, two Irishmen passing by stopped and listened a few minutes, then started on. One remarked, "He spaiks right well for a Nagur." The other, "Oh, he's no Nagur; he is only a half Nagur." "Oh, well then, if a half Nagur can talk that way, then I guess a whole Nagur could beat the prophit Jeremiah."