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When the fight with the rustlers had been waged to a successful close, he expanded his final-proof business; now he owned the greatest proof-sheet monopoly that ever operated in the West, with a chain of thirty-five papers strung over that part of South Dakota.

On the 11th day of July, 1859, my Document, entitled: "Great News for the Friends of Progression in Truth and Righteousness towards the promised New Era of Harmony and Peace amongst all nations" was set in type, the proof-sheet corrected by me, and a portion of copies struck off on the same day. But I think that the warlike spirit of destruction kept most of them in the servitude of monarchs.

Henry had recently had one of Angel's poems accepted by a rather good magazine, and the trance of joy in which for fully two hours he had sat gazing at that, his first, proof-sheet, was hardly less rapturous than that into which he had fallen after seeing Angel for the first time, so dear are the emblems of his craft to the artist, at the beginning, and still at the end, of his career.

This strange production, almost illegible, was sent to the unfortunate printers; with infinite difficulty a proof-sheet was obtained, which, being sent to the author, was presently returned in almost as hopeless a chaos of corrections as the manuscript first submitted. Whole sentences were erased, others transposed, everything modified.

And so I found myself face to face with the proof-sheet king. It did not take long to find out how little I knew about printing a newspaper. So in desperation I laid before him an ambitious plan for adding subscriptions and another page of home print filled with advertising from Pierre. The trip alone, he reminded me, would cost all of $10, probably $15.

T. is also very ill, and Beaumont being forced to leave them is most vexatious. From Lord Clarendon G. C., April 10th. Do you chance to have a proof-sheet of that part of your article which treats of the rights of Austria to Lombardy and Venice and her reversionary rights to the other States, and, if so, will you lend it to me?

The greater part of my time, when I could do anything, was devoted to my work on 'Coral Reefs, which I had begun before my marriage, and of which the last proof-sheet was corrected on May 6th, 1842. This book, though a small one, cost me twenty months of hard work, as I had to read every work on the islands of the Pacific and to consult many charts.

Kenyon very sorry indeed; and, saying this, he took another proof-sheet out of his pocket, which he handed to Kenyon. 'If we cannot come to an understanding, the manager has determined to print this, instead of the article I showed you. Would you kindly glance over it, because we should like to have it as correct as possible. Kenyon opened his eyes, and unfolded the paper.

Of all fleeting glamours that of the proof-sheet is assuredly lightest on the wing, and Eve duly hated her own works in print, as we all do hate our first triumphs. Afterwards we get resigned much as we grow resigned to the face we see in the looking-glass.

I have never been in the rooms of a literary man before," the Colonel said, turning away from his son to us: "excuse me, is that that paper really a proof-sheet?" We handed over to him that curiosity, smiling at the enthusiasm of the honest gentleman who could admire what to us was as unpalatable as a tart to a pastrycook.