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Initial text entry and proof-reading of this chapter were the work of volunteer Diana Camden. Our very first Christmas at Hull-House, when we as yet knew nothing of child labor, a number of little girls refused the candy which was offered them as part of the Christmas good cheer, saying simply that they "worked in a candy factory and could not bear the sight of it."

We finished the thesis about one o'clock one morning, proof-reading and all; and the next day or that same day, later war was declared.

Initial text entry and proof-reading of this chapter were the work of volunteer Diana Camden. If the early American Settlements stood for a more exigent standard in philanthropic activities, insisting that each new undertaking should be preceded by carefully ascertained facts, then certainly Hull-House held to this standard in the opening of our new coffee-house first started as a public kitchen.

Old man Pritchard of the 'Argus' oncet had a hole blown through his arm because his proofreader had called Colonel Starbottle's speech an 'ignominious' defense, when the old man hed written 'ingenuous' defense." The editor paused in his proof-reading.

I never recall those early conversations with my father, nor a score of others like them, but there comes into my mind a line from Mrs. Browning in which a daughter describes her relations with her father: "He wrapt me in his large Man's doublet, careless did it fit or no." Initial text entry and proof-reading of this chapter were the work of volunteer David Cheezem.

Anson's reader reported favourably on Owen's book, and in a very short time satisfactory terms were agreed upon between author and publisher, and the work of proof-reading and revision began.

In this purely haphazard way did the most prolific of American authors begin his literary life. In the preface to the latter he said that no novel of modern times had ever been worse printed than was this story as it originally appeared. The manuscript, he admitted, was bad; but the proof-reading could only be described as execrable.

But they cannot accomplish this for the social spirit discharges itself in many forms, and no one form is adequate to its total expression. Initial text entry, proof-reading, and html layout of this chapter were the work of volunteer Adrienne Fermoyle.

It is, of course impossible to say whether these oppositions were inevitable or whether they were indications that Hull-House had somehow bungled at its task. Many times I have been driven to the confession of the blundering Amiel: "It requires ability to make what we seem agree with what we are." Initial text entry and proof-reading of this chapter were the work of volunteer Jill Thoren.

Every one who has gone through the drudgery of proof-reading knows what ridiculous and, sometimes, frightful, errors are detected, even in the "last revise." Upon opening the volume, when it came to me from the binder, I saw this error and immediately informed my publishers.