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Or give them a backward prod in the naked flesh as they ply, With the point that pricks like a goad, when "powder and shot" is the cry; in order to send the Turks to Davy's wet locker: As John of Austria nipped them and riddled them with ball, As soon as his eyes fell on them, and ducked or slaughtered them all; and how the boatswain's dreaded whistle shrieked through the ship:

For the dumpy Malay made use more freely of the goad he carried, and the nearest beast gave vent to an angry half-squeal, half-grunt, as, shrinking from the prod delivered at its flank, it made a rush at two companions, driving its great head first at one and then at the other, and with a good deal of grumbling, squealing, and waving of trunks, they shuffled out of sight.

Nevertheless, the camp was struck in record time that morning, and the pack mules loaded so rapidly that they turned back their soulful eyes in mild protest. "Got a new job for you to-day, Chunky," announced Ned Rector while cinching the pack girths. "What is it?" "We've decided to let you follow along behind with a sharp stick and prod the mules so they will make better time."

There are grounds for the entertainment of the belief that the ejected fluid not only effectually conceals the scarcely discernible animal but that it harshly affects the sensibilities of fish. The larger callously disregarded the tickling of a light fish spear, but lashed out vigorously when a decisive prod was administered.

Closer investigation now revealed the welcome fact that we had suffered less severely than had been at first anticipated, our killed amounting to five only although two more died before they could receive proper surgical attention while, of the wounded, seven had received injuries serious enough to completely disable them, the rest, amounting to no less than twenty-three, suffering from hurts ranging from such an insignificant prod as I had received in the leg, up to a cutlass-stroke that had all but scalped one poor fellow.

Now and again Septimus would bend forward and, with a vague notion of the way to convey one's polite intentions to babies, would prod him gingerly in the cheek and utter an insane noise and then surreptitiously wipe his finger on his trousers. When his mother took him she had little spasms of tenderness during which she pressed him tightly to her bosom and looked frightened.

"Her appearance her appearance!" said Verena gently. "Whose appearance, dear?" "Why, Aunt Sophia's; the lady who is coming to-morrow." "Oh, dear!" said Mr. Dale; "but she must not come. This cannot be permitted; I cannot endure it." "Paddy, you have given John directions to fetch her. Now, then, what is she like?" "I don't know, children. I haven't the slightest idea." "Prod, Renny! Prod!"

But for a casual glance at the little man's hands, neither would he have had any. He determined to prod M. Ferraud. He was well trained in repression; so, while he often lost patience, there was never any external sign of it. Besides, there was another affair which over-shadowed it and at times engulfed it. Love. The cross-tides of sense and sentiment made a pretty disturbance.

"Much too late. Come along." "If I had a piece of sugar he'd follow us upstairs. You'll find a horse will go anywhere after a piece of sugar. It is a horse, isn't it? Not a donkey? Because if it was a donkey he would want a thistle, and I don't know where I can get a thistle at this time of night. I say, did you prod me in the stomach then with anything?" asked Mr. Mousley severely.

The two old friends held each other off at arms' length for inspection; this proving satisfactory, they began to prod and pummel one another affectionately. No hair to fall awry, no powder to displace, no ruffles to crush; men are lucky. Women never throw themselves into each other's arms; they calculate the distance and the damage perfectly.