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"Not a bad idea," he said, "though I don't like to mix heart affairs with politics." "Yes," said Mr. Avery, soulfully, "there may be something in it. I don't know. You never can tell." The upshot of this was that the task of obtaining an account of Mr. Sluss's habits, tastes, and proclivities was assigned to that now rather dignified legal personage, Mr.

As I have openly declared my sympathy with the Confederates, so I must openly express to them my entire disapprobation of their republican proclivities." "If your majesty does that, a war with France will be the consequence of your frankness. France has promised succor to the Confederates, and has already sent Dumouriez with troops, arms, and gold.

Surreptitiously, however, for weeks after they would look in that paper, which they took with respect on account of its really fashionable proclivities, to see whether 'Bright's Rubies' or 'The Woollen Mackintosh Company' were up or down.

Maitland's contribution was a beautifully trained light soprano, but the Caruso of the company was Herr Otto Bernhard; amazing that a man of his sensual nature and proclivities should be gifted with a voice fit to swell heaven's choir. He sang Wagner, Gounod, Schubert with absolute impartiality, as well as numbers of melting German lieder and touching English ballads.

"I am; who is she?" "Her name is Mary Ann. She is married to an American, and has lately invented a new religion." "Ah!" said Lothaw eagerly, with difficulty restraining himself from rushing toward her. "Yes; shall I introduce you?" Lothaw thought of Lady Coriander's High Church proclivities, of the Cardinal, and hesitated: "No, I thank you, not now." Lothaw was maturing.

In an ecstasy of pride and delight he complimented them upon their valor, and pronounced them the brightest nosegay in his imperial majesty's service, which name they have borne ever since. The present emperor, Alexander III., is more distinguished for his liberal views respecting the rights of his subjects than for his military proclivities.

Randall's, and La Salle sent up his card. After waiting a while, that lady, who was not without misgivings as to what might be said about her matchmaking proclivities, sailed into the room very richly dressed, and rather red in the face. "I am happy to see you, Mr. La Salle, and to know that you were not really lost, after all. Do you make a long stay in the city?"

"I am glad I did, and still more glad of the happy chance that brought the inspector on the scene just at the right time. For if it is ennobling to bring succor to the virtuous poor who live clean and frugal lives in their humble sphere, it would be unpardonable to help such people as these to gratify their vile proclivities." "Yes, you're quite right, Emily!

"Isolation is the sum total of wretchedness to man," and no man could be more completely isolated than he. Strangely enough, his Swiss proclivities seemed to have fallen from him like a worn-out garment. The narrow, humble existence of his peasant forefathers, to which he had so readily adapted himself, was no longer tolerable in his eyes.

"Will no doubt cut down the timber, open the fireclay pits, and desecrate the park with brickworks," he said. "That is, unless he has convivial proclivities, and, finding himself ostracized, fills Carnaby with turf and billiard-room blacklegs." The girl ground her heel viciously into the mould. "Have you any reason for going into these details?" she said. Deringham watched her closely.