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It was then agreed that Austria, France, Prussia, and Russia should address notes of the same tenor to their ambassadors at Madrid, who should make corresponding representations to the Spanish government, and a procès verbal was concluded between these four powers defining the causes which would justify the recall of their ambassadors.

Many of the deputies then assembled at the house of Lafayette; at whose instance they repaired to the President's to record their testimony to this forced and unjust exclusion, and to sign the proces verbal.

All night the miner battles for Valois' unknown child. Up with the lark, Joe sends his "French fellow" for detective Vimont. "Voila! un grand proces." Vimont sees gold ahead. By eight o'clock, ferret eyes are watching the Santos mansion, the home of discreet elegance. A stunning toilet is made by Joseph, in the vain hope of impressing the madame.

Assistance had now arrived; a crowd of people, headed by an officer to take the proces verbal, and two pair of post-horses came up; the deposition of the marquis and myself were briefly taken; his, as to what he had seen, and mine "to the best of my knowledge and belief."

The Peruvian's brows contract he looks ferocious in the extreme and I am a little sorry I mentioned the Captain. "Dthat Capitan ees von fool! He know not how to treat a zhentleman. I tell him I make a procès to dthe company and get him reprimand for how he spik to me." "Why, what did he say?" asks Mrs. Steele.

'Herr von Potzdorff was returning to life by this time, with a swelling on his skull as big as a saucepan; and the officers carried him off, and the judge who was sent for dressed a proces verbal of the matter, and I demanded a copy of it, which I sent forthwith to my ambassador.

All those written in Latin have been translated into French by M. Fabre, and published in his Procès de Réhabilitation de Jeanne d'Arc. Among the witnesses first appear the friends and neighbours of Joan of Arc in her childhood and early years. From her birthplace came her greatest friends, Henriette, Mengette, and Isabellette.

They arrested M. Émile Beaussaire for his courageous article entitled "Le procès entre Paris et la Province," and the other contributors, as well as M. Buloz himself, would have certainly shared the same fate could they have been found.

The Duke of Aerschot was prevented from attending, but Mansfeld and Egmont accompanied by the faithful Berty, to make another proces verbal duly made their appearance.

She answered, "Yes, our Lord being served first." Other less formal particulars come to us long after, from various witnesses at the proces de rehabilitation, in which a lively picture is given of this scene. Frere Isambard had apparently managed, as was his wont, to get close to the prisoner, and to whisper to her to appeal to the Council of Bale.