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The substitution of a lamb in the place of Isaac would seem to indicate a change from child-slaughter to that of animals. Sacrifices were offerings to the god of pro-creation. Certain representatives of the life which he had bestowed must be returned to him as a free-will gift.

It is the opinion of certain writers that these women were of a different religious faith from their captors, and that so intense and bitter was the feeling upon the comparative importance of the sex functions in pro-creation, that their husbands, unable to change their views, put an end to their existence.

God alone can create; yet so near does the parental office approach to the power of creation that we call it pro-creation. Tis true, this privilege man holds in common with the rest of animated nature, but with this difference: that the fruit of his loins is a child of God, with an immortal soul, an heir to heaven where its destiny is to glorify the Eternal during all eternity.

On appearing before the enemy they say: "Can it be, since we have made amends to the Amadhlozi, that they will say we have wronged them by anything?" At a certain stage in human history the various peoples of the globe depended upon excessive numbers for their prosperity, hence the most precious offering to the god of pro-creation was that of human victims.