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The flesh of his cheeks was pulled taut and there was nothing soft or flabby about him. "I'm that man." We can be more private-like, and, besides, I'm not as young as I used to be." He allowed a semi-twinkle to rest in his eye as he looked his visitor over. Cowperwood smiled. "Well, I hope I can be of service to you," he said, genially.

At any rate, I can mind a man doing something o' the sort a man in a cord jacket, with a basket of tools; but, Lord bless ye, we don't gi'e it head-room, we don't, such as that. The only reason why I can mind the man is that he came back here to the next year's fair, and told me quite private-like that if a woman ever asked for him I was to say he had gone to where?

Kie Wicks and his wife talked about the weather, the stock and the sheep men, who should be run out of the country, he asserted vehemently, and when finally he rose to go he said: "I'll be over some day and have a talk with you private-like, Judge. There's people in these mountains that you should be warned against. And I'm willing to give you the inside facts about them.

Fetch out The Plank! "At this the bo's'n, Aaron Halyard, stepped forward. "'Oh there you are, are you, Halyard? bellowed the pirate chief, 'well, why don't you fetch out The Plank? It's your duty, you're in charge of it. "The bo's'n pulled at his forelock, and bowed to his commander. "'Beggin' yer pardin, Cap'n, said he, 'kin I have a word with yer private-like?

You'd best handle this personally. If that shyster tries to get in on this his neck won't be wuth the skin that covers it." "You still persist in trying to threaten me, I see." "No, Jim, this ain't a threat. If you want the witness part after I get through I'll accommodate you with plenty of 'em. But I cal'late we'd best talk it over private-like fust.

A dead silence ensued within the house, but Betty's strident tones could be heard without, uplifted in shrill discourse to curious neighbours. "'E-es, d'ye see, he did write home so soon as he did get to Darchester, a-tellin' of his aunt as he was a-comin' private-like so as to surprise his sweetheart.