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When the servant Prituitshkin heard this, he went invisibly up to Goria and whispered in his ear: "Tell Mistafor that your father, when he sat at table, always gave first to the poor a piece of bread to eat, and instead of salt, used to pour out to them a bag of gold: and so saying, order me to bring you the bag of gold."

At midnight, Dogada sent one of her attendants into the bedroom of the shoemaker, desiring her to steal away the stone from the table. But hardly had the girl entered the apartment, and was about to run off with the stone, than the servant Prituitshkin, who was lying by the door, jumped up and exclaimed: "Is it not a shame for you, pretty girl, to rob your future lord and master!

Early the next day, when the shoemaker Goria arose, his servant Prituitshkin told him all that passed during the night, and advised him, when Mistafor should propose to him a riddle, to answer: "Riddle me no riddle, but I will give you a riddle, and then," continued he, "propose to Mistafor this riddle: 'I went to walk in your green meadows and caught three goats, and stripped from each of them three skins. If Mistafor doubts, and says that it is impossible for a goat to have three skins, call me and order me to bring the skins."

After the departure of Mistafor's messengers, Prituitshkin went to Goria the shoemaker and said: "Now is the time for you to go to Mistafor; listen to what I say: when you come to the courtyard of the palace, and dismount from your steed, do not fasten him up, nor give him to anyone to hold, but only cough loudly, and stamp on the ground with all your might.

And when the pond was drained, the ring was found at the bottom by a boy, who brought it to Goria the shoemaker. Then Goria ordered the water to be let into the pond, and a boat to be built. As soon as all was ready, he seated himself, with his wife and servant, Prituitshkin, in the boat, and sailed out into the middle of the pond.

Meanwhile Prince Dardavan, after his betrothal with Dogada, was travelling on business to another city; and the trusty servant Prituitshkin thought this a favourable opportunity to marry Goria the shoemaker to Dogada. So he went to his master, the shoemaker, and said: "Now is the time to settle this affair; we must contrive that Mistafor takes you for Dardavan."

On a sudden Goria saw before him a splendid palace of white marble, and in amazement, he exclaimed: "You are in truth the devil himself, and no man, to do such marvellous things!" "I tell the truth, you see, and do not deceive you," replied the stranger; "and now I make you a present of this marble palace, and will remain with you and serve you faithfully. Call me Prituitshkin!"

You must leave me now a pledge for your conduct." So saying, he drew off the maid's slipper and head-dress and dismissed her. Then the girl went to her mistress and told her the whole affair; but Dogada did not despair, and, after an hour, thinking that Goria and his servant Prituitshkin would now be asleep, she sent another maid to steal the stone.

Sometime after this the servant Prituitshkin came to Goria and said: "Now that I have made your fortune, do something for me in return: I have a request to make. In your garden is a pond, in which I formerly lived. A maiden was one day washing linen, and dropped a ring into the pond, and by that means she drove me from it.

Thereupon Prituitshkin ran as fast as he could and brought the hundred-pood bed, which he had stolen from Prince Dardavan. Then Goria the shoemaker undressed, and lay down upon the bed; and Dogada, on purpose to try him, ordered a number of tapers to be lighted and taken into his bedchamber.