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'Oh, the old frump! why he must be forty if he's a day. You remember, Alice, it was he who took me down to dinner at Lord Dungory's. And he talked all the time of his pamphlet on the Amalgamation of the Unions, which was then in the hands of the printer; and the other in which he had pulled Mr.

He is a young man about my age, a printer by trade, and he is going to New York to find work." "Why doesn't he find work in Boston? There are more printers in Boston than there are in New York." "That may be; but he prefers to work in New York. He's tired of Boston." "Perhaps Boston is tired of him is that so?

"'Frank, she said, not looking up, and speaking in a low tone 'I shall always call you Frank I loved the poor printer from the very first; and if the rich man can be content with the affection I gave the poor one, my heart and life are yours. But stop, she added, looking up with an arch smile, 'you must not forget the promise you made me about New Year's day!

He did not smoke, but he chewed tobacco; and Wilbur, the apprentice, desiring to do all things that printers did, strove to emulate him in this interesting vice; but it proved to offer only the weakest of appeals, so he presently abandoned the effort especially after Winona had detected him with the stuff in his mouth, striving to spit like an elderly printer. Winona was horrified.

Nothing is more difficult to reproduce than a first-class work in clay or porcelain. Color, drawing, form, surface and texture present a compound of difficulties not to be completely overcome by the resources of the graver, the camera and the printer in colors. Only on the shelves of the museum can it be studied understandingly. It must speak for itself.

They, moreover, requested that the Duchess would cause the Petition to be printed in authentic form by the government printer.

Such abusive articles and scurrilous remarks as the dignified National Intelligencer would not publish appeared in the National Journal. Some of these articles reflected upon Mrs. Jackson and gave great offense to her husband, who was persuaded that they were inspired by President Adams. Matthew L. Davis, who was probably the most influential of Washington correspondents, was a New York printer.

The printer shook his head gloomily. 'I wager my nephew will yet play the traitor to Privy Seal. 'I will do it myself ere that, and Throckmorton yawned, throwing his head back. 'The scaldhead is there, the printer said; and in the doorway there stood, supporting himself by the lintel, the young Poins.

If it be innocent to print a paper once printed, will it not inevitably follow, that the most flagitious falsehoods, and the most enormous insults on the crown itself, the most seditious invectives, and most dangerous positions, may be dispersed through the whole empire, without any danger but to the original printer?

And Dick bowed his head in silent assent. The same day, late in the afternoon, George Udell was bending over some work that he was obliged to finish before going home. His helper had gone to supper, and the boy, a new one in the office, was cleaning up preparatory to closing for the night. "Don't clean that press, Jim," said the printer, suddenly.