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"Petrouchka" has a brilliance and vivacity and madness that makes Rimsky's scenes from popular life, his utilizations of vulgar tunes and dances scarcely comparable to it. Nowhere in any of Rimsky's reconstructions of ethnological dances and rites, neither in "Mlada" nor in "Sniegourochka," is there anything at all comparable to the naked power manifest in "Le Sacre du printemps."

My mistress has made an engagement to go to the capitol to hear some distinguished orator. It is madame's débût in spring attire this season. Madame's dress, bonnet, and mantle have this moment been sent home. A more delicately fresh toilet de printemps cannot be conceived; it will establish the fact that spring has arrived.

A square envelope of creamy paper, it was superscribed simply in a hand strange to him, Anthony Ember, Esq., with the address of his apartment house. Tearing the envelope he found within a double sheet of plain notepaper bearing a message of five words penned hastily: "Au Printemps "one o'clock "Please!" Nothing else, not another word or pen-scratch....

About nine o'clock, with a silken rustling, arrive the three geishas in vogue in Nagasaki: Mesdemoiselles Purete, Orange, and Printemps, whom I have hired at four dollars each an enormous price in this country. These three geishas are indeed the very same little creatures I heard singing on the rainy day of my arrival, through the thin panelling of the Garden of Flowers.

Nor was it in 1329 that he set out. Robert Bruce died in 1329, and the expedition of Douglas took place in the following year, "Quand le printemps vint et la saison," says Froissart, in June 1330, says Lord Hailes, whom Mr. Croker cites as the authority for his statement. The account of the execution is one of the finest passages in Lord Clarendon's History. We can scarcely suppose that Mr.

He was their brother; and had he indeed owned longer years of training, his keenness of eye, his strength of arm, his tirelessness of limb could hardly have been greater than they seemed in his first voyage to the West. "Tous les printemps, Tant des nouvelles" hummed Du Mesne, as he busied himself about the camp, casting the while a cautious eye to note the progress of the threatening storm.

"L'amour est pour les coeurs, Ce que l'aurore est pour les fleurs, Et le printemps pour la nature." "Love is a childish disease and like the small-pox. Some die, some become deformed, others are more or less scarred, while upon others the disease does not leave any visible trace." The Alchemist, by C. HAUCH. "Be candid, Otto!" said Wilhelm, as he one day visited his friend.

Le Printemps lay in their way, and she asked that, when they reached it, for a moment she might alight. Captain Thierry readily gave permission. From the department store it would be most easy to disappear, and in anticipation Marie smiled covertly. Nor was the picture of Captain Thierry impatiently waiting outside unamusing.

The coincidence of finding those two so closely associated worked with the riddle of that note further to trouble Lanyard's mind. Was he to believe Au Printemps the legitimate successor in America of that less pretentious establishment on the rue d'Antin, an overseas headquarters for Secret Service agents of the Central Powers?

He's a six-footer and over; he spangled a lot, and he smiled pretty comme le printemps, and was sharp enough to keep clear of women that could hurt him.