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Are you going to let sixty thousand brave men and women perish, and all our toils and struggles be in vain, just to save one villain from the punishment he deserves? 'Oh, dear me, whatever shall I do? No, indeed, neighbour Prieme, said Conrad, in great distress. 'But I'm sure I don't know anything at all about my step-father, except that he'

At these words the man let his weapon sink, and stood staring at the boy, who was again cautiously approaching him holding out the paper. 'Why, bless me! said the man at last, 'isn't this Conrad Schmidt from the Erbis Street? 'What! is it you, Master Prieme? said Conrad joyfully. 'What are at least, how came you here? asked Prieme. 'I came out with the sortie, said Conrad.

This fortunate shot, with a volley of others that now greeted the Swedes, was fired by a party of men approaching at a rapid pace under the leadership of Master Prieme. 'We wanted to snatch a laurel from your wreath, was his hasty greeting to Hillner, who, after his father's fall, was once more, with his uninjured hand, doing vigorous work against the enemy.

'Yield, you dogs! shouted Prieme, fearful, and not without good reason, that they might even now explode the petard.

'So did I, grumbled Prieme. 'In the heat of battle I struck too hard at a Swede, just on the edge of this abominable ditch, and then my foot slipped and down I came into it myself, and the detestable thing's so deep there is no getting out again. Perhaps, with your help, I can manage to climb out.

Master Prieme, taken with a weapon in his hand, was made a prisoner of war; and Conrad Schmidt, loudly calling attention to his safe-conduct, was at once marched off to the enemy's headquarters. Here he had a first-rate opportunity to make nearer acquaintance with the dreaded Swedes. He was led about from one point to another.

'In all the gratings one bar was eaten away by rust or something, so that I could easily push them on one side and creep through. Prieme turned pale. 'Merciful heaven! he cried; 'this means treachery. Quick to give the alarm! Perhaps we may even yet save the city. 'Oh, please do be reasonable, Master Prieme! pleaded Conrad, seizing the man by the arm as he was hastening away.

'Well, he received the due reward of his deeds, said Master Prieme gravely. 'But to which side did the two men belong? They must have been either Swedes or Imperialists. 'They were just soldiers, said the youth, 'and when you've said that, you've said all. Whether they were Saxons, or Swedes, or Imperialists, it all comes to the same thing.

'Well the the Swedes let me go in three days. 'And the box? What about that? 'Oh well, stammered Conrad, incapable of telling a lie, 'the box? I got that too. 'Dug it out of the cellar? 'No; not that. The Swedes dug it up, and gave it me; and then' 'That's false! cried Prieme. 'Sooner get blood out of a post than a box worth keeping out of the clutches of a Swede. What was in it?

'But only think what all the people in the town would say if I got my step-father into trouble. Didn't everybody except the governor praise Hillner when he wouldn't shoot at his father? 'That's a totally different thing, said Prieme impatiently; 'then it was only one Swede, and it didn't much matter whether he lived or died.