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I considered her to be a cheerful prevaricator, and told her she didn't know what she was talking about. At this she curtsied humbly and assented with the "Yis, ma'am" of the lowly, and all I could do was to keep on despairing. It was really the most dismal afternoon I ever spent, and when it began to get dark I gave up all hope.

We signify to you that in our presence the name of the anathematised prevaricator, Acacius, was struck out of the diptychs, as likewise that of the other bishops who followed him in communion. So also the names of Anastasius and Zeno.

She knew very well that Mary Coombe had developed the habit of lying. "You see," went on the prevaricator cheerfully, "it would be necessary to run down to Toronto soon anyway. I haven't a rag fit to wear and neither has Jane. But Detroit is better. Things are much cheaper across the line. And easy as anything to smuggle. All you need to do is to wear them once and swear they're old."

Gollop, having regard for the expressio falsi as compared with the suppressio veri, was strictly a prevaricator or that he told the exact truth, because he had slipped four whole days up his sleeve for his own entertainment; four whole days in which he had not the slightest intention of visiting his firm; four whole days that he intended to devote to art research, and exploration exploration of a wilderness known as MacDougall Alley.

Did you die on your bed, or meet with an accident? or how did these beads you loved so well come into this horrid, pestiferous well? O, woe is me! Why did I ever let you out of my sight? Why did I not remain in servitude and slavery, rather than let you into the care of the cruel, false-hearted stranger? O villanous deceiver! O infamous prevaricator!

"I'll call you that, if you wish. You're old for your age, I'm sure. How old are you?" "Goin' on about fifteen or sixteen I think. I sort'a forget." "Nonsense! You can't forget your age! Why do they call you Fibsy?" "'Cause I'm a born liar 'scuse me a congenital prevaricator, I meant to say. You see, ma'am, it's necessary in my business not always to employ the plain unvarnished.

But they's too noomerous for us, an' we done quits 'em at last an' lets it go. "Nobody says much when Texas Thompson is through. We merely sets 'round an' drinks. But I sees the Red Dog folks feels mortified. After a minute they calls on their leadin' prevaricator for a yarn. His name's Lyin' Jim Riley, which the people who baptizes him shorely tumbles to his talents.

Looking on Mariette, he admired her, but he knew that she was a prevaricator who was living with her career-making husband; that what she had said the other day was untrue, and that she only wished and neither knew why to make him love her. And, as has been said, he was both pleased and disgusted. Several times he attempted to leave, took his hat but still remained.

Tell me truly: Weren't you troubled; about the business, and the store? Truly, now." Captain Dan rubbed his chin. He wished very much to deny the allegation, or at least to dodge the truth. But he was a poor prevaricator at any time, and his daughter was looking him straight in the eye. "Well," he faltered, "I I How in time did you guess that? I Humph! why, yes, I was a little mite upset.

Andy Green, chief prevaricator of the Happy Family of the Flying U and not ashamed of either title or connection pushed his new Stetson back off his untanned forehead, attempted to negotiate the narrow passage into a Pullman sleeper with his suitcase swinging from his right hand, and butted into a woman who was just emerging from the dressing-room.