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Lord Cairnforth could hardly help smiling at the poor little sinner the infant Jesuit attaining his object by such an ingenious device; but the mother didn't smile, and her look was harder than ever. "You hear! If not a lie, it was a prevarication. He who lies is a scoundrel, but he who prevaricates is a scoundrel and coward too. Sooner than Boy should grow up like like that, I would rather die.

When the matter a sinner is working on is a certain, specified evil, the extent to which he prevaricates numerically depends upon the action of the will. A fellow who enters upon the task of slaying his neighbor can kill but once in fact; but he can commit the sin of murder in his soul once or a dozen times. It depends on the will.

While he who, by the spell of himself and his circumstance, sees darkness and despair in the sum of the workings of God's providence, and who, in that, denies or prevaricates, is, no matter how much piety plays on his lips, the most radical sinner and infidel.

When you point out this miscarriage to him he does not answer your letters; when you call to convince him, the servant prevaricates and you do not get in. Scientists have odious manners, except when you prop up their theory; then you can borrow money of them.

Those old gym shoes I might as well throw out as rubbish. Yes, I do know, Helen. I felt dreadfully about it myself; but I thought you had a good reason. I myself despise a girl who prevaricates even a little." Helen raised her head from her work to look at Hester. She could not fully grasp this last remark.

She was evidently at that period of the evening, without a substitute and, against regulations, absent for some little time from the cage in which it's her business to watch the comings and goings. She's muddled, she palpably prevaricates; so I can't positively, from her observation, give you an hour. But it was remarked toward half-past ten that our poor friend was no longer in the club."

Did you go straight back to bed? 'Surely I had that much sense. 'The truth! 'I might have taken a look at the clock first. 'It is a terrible thing to have a mother who prevaricates. Have you been lying down ever since I left? 'Thereabout. 'What does that mean exactly? 'Off and on. 'Have you been to the garret? 'What should I do in the garret? 'But have you?

He kisses us all in order, from the least to the biggest, commencing and ending with our mother, and playfully prevaricates as to our "appointment," the name of which we noisily demand, until his wife says timidly, "Where do they send us, Thomas?" He tries to smile and trifle, but the possibility of her discontent gives him so great pain that we children perceive it.

As to the encouragements in the act for the bankrupt, they are only these namely, that, upon his honest and faithful surrender of his affairs, he shall be set at liberty; and if they see cause, they, the creditors, may give him back a small gratification for his discovering his effects, and assisting to the recovery of them; and all this, which amounts to very little, is upon his being, as I have said, entirely honest, and having run through all possible examinations and purgations, and that it is at the peril of his life if he prevaricates.

It's no place for them. I will go to the office and complain." The third chocolate attendant, in reply, merely lifted his shoulders. It was the same old lift a tired feeling seems to permeate these gentlemen, as if they were bored to death. A hotel clerk on the Riviera sometimes has this lift when he tells you he has not a bed in the house and you tell him he prevaricates.