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"No," she said, with sudden gravity. "I don't want to be your accuser or your confessor; and if you should try to prevaricate, I should hate you!" "There is nothing for me to confess to you, Ardea," he said soberly, still holding the hand she had given him. "You have known the worst of me, always and all along, I think."

Where is that fifty pounds, little girl alive? Out with it. This is the profit. Where is the fifty you staked?" His voice was gay with raillery. She could look him in the face now and prevaricate without any shame or compunction at all. "That fifty pounds that! Why, I used it to buy my ticket for Canada. My husband ought to pay my expenses out to him." He laughed greatly.

'She certainly did mention the circumstance; but she also argued that it might have been through ignorance of the extent of your rights. 'Come, come, Maud, you must not prevaricate, girl. I will have it. Does she not habitually speak disparagingly of me, in your presence, and to you? Answer. I hung my head. 'Yes or no? 'Well, perhaps so yes, I faltered, and burst into tears.

I must also be pressing with your Lordship that if, in case of death, any paper under my name should come out as pretended to have been written by me, in the manner or form of a speech, you will not believe it to be genuine; for I, that am heartily sorry for disowning my principles in one spoken before your Lordship and the rest of my peers, will never add to that act of indiscretion by saying anything on the scaffold but my prayers for the forgiveness of my poor self and those that have brought me to be a spectacle to men and angels, especially since I must speak in my last moments according to the dictates of my conscience, and not prevaricate as I did before the Lords, for which I take shame to myself.

That past, which you try to ignore I know you cannot do it in your heart is full of happy recollections to me. Were you not happy in Wales?" he said, in his tenderest tone. But there was no answer; not even one faint sigh, though he listened intently. "You dare not speak; you dare not answer me. Your heart will not allow you to prevaricate, and you know you were happy."

Smyth's position can be made, than by the simple presentation of his own review of his own argument, when he says: "To sum up, then, what has been said concerning the so-called lies of necessity, the principle to be applied with wisdom is simply this: give the truth always to those who in the bonds of humanity have the right to the truth; conceal it or falsify it only when it is unmistakably evident that the human right to the truth from others has been forfeited, or temporarily is held in abeyance by sickness, weakness, or some criminal intent: do not in any case prevaricate, unless you can tell the necessary falsehood deliberately and positively, from principle, with a good conscience void of offense toward men, and sincere in the sight of God."

She had inquired very peremptorily what had kept him so late. Pani had been sent to the warehouse and had not found him, neither had he been at the fort. M. Destournier was no hand to prevaricate. He lived an open, honest life, and had few secrets beside those of business.

I did not see any defiant postures, nor hear any melting apostrophies. Marius was not mouthing by the ruins of Carthage, nor even Rachel weeping for her Hebrew children. But there were on every hand manifestations of adherence to the Southern cause, except among a few males who feared unutterable things, and were disposed to cringe and prevaricate.

Abraham's Departure from Chaldea His Faith Its Failure Sarah and Abraham agree to prevaricate The Admiration which Sarah attracted Abraham's Dismissal from the country of Egypt Beauty and Dress Importance of a proper Education Parental Vanity Source of real Attraction Sarah proposes to Abraham to take Hagar Unhappy Consequences Hagar's Flight and Return Visit of three Angels Sarah's laughter at the subject of their commission Her subsequent Character General Remarks Birth of Isaac Ishmael's Conduct and its Consequences Sarah's Death.

"I rather fancy, sir, that his lordship's bit of time will have run out by then." "But supposing it hasn't?" "In that event, sir, it may be judicious to prevaricate a little." "How?" "If I might make the suggestion, sir, I should inform her ladyship that his lordship has left for a short visit to Boston." "Why Boston?" "Very interesting and respectable centre, sir."