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Would she ever see it again in the old way? When she left us one might have said of her mental state: O dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon Irrecoverably dark, total eclipse Without all hope of day! And where was she now? and was she learning to see again? I own I sometimes had the presumption to think that if she had stayed with us I might have helped her.

At this time she was teaching in the academy at Canajoharie, a little village in the beautiful valley of the Mohawk. "The Woman's Declaration of Independence" issued from those conventions startled and amused her, and she laughed heartily at the novelty and presumption of the demand.

Now, kindly favour us with the view which you, as a hard-headed Englishman, take of it." "Really, sir," I said in English, springing to my feet in some confusion, "I would very much prefer to be excused, if you will kindly allow me. It would be the most rank presumption on my part to "

Autumn was painting the trees about the place before the necessity of being at his father's side called him from his voluntary exile. And then he did not go to see Mima. He was still bowed with shame at what he thought his unmanly presumption, and he did not blame her that she avoided him. His attention was arrested one day about a week after his return by the peculiar actions of Mammy Peggy.

Oh, those Camford conversations how impetuous, how interesting, how thoroughly hearty and unconventional they were! How utterly presumption and ignorance were scouted in them, and how completely they were free from the least shadow of insincerity or ennui.

"You will understand, I am sure, sir," he continued, a little hastily, "that I was in no way to blame for the question which the young man addressed to me. He had the presumption to enquire whether I could procure for him an introduction to the young lady whom he knew as Miss Grex.

"Hallo, Bultitude!" he said, "I thought it was you. Here we are again, eh? Ugh!" and he giggled dismally. He was a pale-faced boy with freckles, very light green eyes, long, rather ragged black hair, a slouching walk, and a smile half-simpering, half-impudent. Mr. Bultitude was greatly staggered by the presumption of so small a boy venturing to address him in this way.

Rosen-felt, by some means, was carried along by this moving mass in the direction of Roseville, and, being now separated from the rest of the army, he continued his way to Chatter-augus, the presumption at least being that he went to Chatteraugus in order to collect together and reform his shattered divisions, that Papson might be properly protected in his looked-for retreat with the remainder of the army.

I was aroused from my sombre reflections by the appearance of Piet, my Hottentot after-rider, who, more prudent than myself, had approached the house with a certain measure of circumspection, and now came to report that, as in our own case, all the sheep and cattle had been driven off, and that no trace of any of the native domestics or shepherds had been found, the presumption being that they had all taken the alarm and fled, or, more likely still, had been captured and carried off as prisoners.

You must surely have noticed it for yourself. With her equals she is exceedingly pleasant; but I never knew anyone who could repress insolence or presumption with a firmer hand." "What a pleasant person!" said Mr. Adair, laughing and looking mirthfully at Margaret. "We shall have to be on our good behavior when we see her, shall we not, my Pearl?"