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He places the heroine of his tale in a petit reduit pres le Strand, "with a green and fresh jalousie, and a large blind, let down all day; you fancied you were entering a bath of Asia, as soon as you had passed the perfumed threshold of this charming retreat!" He next places her Dans un square ecarte, morne et couverte de givre, Ou se cache un hotel, aux vieux lions de cuivre;

The rulers of the State then will bear as little resemblance to the pres- ent Socialists as the dignitaries of the Church after the time of Constantine bore to the Apostles.

"You know," said Trevor, "this is getting serious." "It always does get serious when anything bad happens to one's self. It always strikes one as rather funny when things happen to other people. When Mill's study was wrecked, I bet you regarded it as an amusing and original 'turn'. What do you think of the present effort?" "Who on earth can have done it?" "The Pres " "Oh, dry up. Of course it was.

Je me restreignis done au second pélerinage, et messire Sanson de Lalaing voulut m'y accompagner, ainsi que Humbert. Nous laissames au mont de Sion messire Michel de Ligne, qui étoit malade. Son frère Guillaume resta près de lui avec an serviteur pour le garder. Nous autres nous partimes le jour de la mi-août, et notre intention étoit de nous rendre

It is true that this system can no longer be kept up without sacrifice on our part. In the days of Pres. Monroe, the sequestration of the Indians involved only the expense of transporting eighty or ninety thousand persons to a region not settled, nor then desired for settlement. To-day there is no portion of our territory where citizens of the United States are not preparing to make their homes.

P. was a man of many interests, combining the characters of the man of business, man of pleasure, and virtuoso, being skilled in music and a collector of books, manuscripts, and pictures, and he was Pres. of the Royal Society for two years.

Germain des Pres, in the Cite, all over Paris, where the people were making history. To this house in the Ruelle St. Jacob, Dormer Colville and Loo Barebone made their way on foot, on their arrival in Paris at the termination of their long journey. It was nearly dark, for Colville had arranged to approach the city and leave their horses at a stable at Meudon after dusk.

He was recognised as the foremost English biologist, and was elected Pres. of the Royal Society 1883. He served on the London School Board and on various Royal Commissions.

In that case John of Hastings, lord of Abergavenny, put in a claim as the grandson of Earl David's youngest daughter. Hist. de Guillaume le Maréchal, ii., 64, II. 11899-902. Oil, sire, quer c'est raison Quer plus près est sanz achaison Le filz de la terre son père Que le niês: dreiz est qu'il i père.

At nightfall they slept in a shed within a mile of the ruins of the castle of Pres, and late next evening entered the English encampment at New Town. After going to his tent, where he and Ralph changed their garments and partook of a hearty meal, Walter proceeded to the pavilion of the prince, who hailed his entrance with the greatest surprise.