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Perhaps, the Trasas of the west, could not advance to the north of this bay, without quarrelling with the other Moors, who frequent Cape Blanco. This Cape Merick seems preferrable for commerce, either as a factory, to trade with the Moors, or as a place of protection for the traders, and the fishery.

If it seems preferrable to serve coffee at the table, the waitress, after she has placed the finger-bowl service, puts the coffee at the guest's left hand, and passes him cream and sugar. When he has removed his finger bowl the guest uses the plate for his bonbons. The setting of the table for the home dinner follows the general rules already given.

Sardines and tinned salmon were luxuries we could not afford, but fresh fish and game were better, and, even when salted, were preferrable to a continuous diet of beef. We had among our stores a 250 lb. bag of coarse salt we had to kill our own meat and salt it down and I proposed that we should at once set to work whilst the weather was fine and spend a week shooting and fishing.