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Until then, Big Jim had thought of his small son as a chipper, sturdy, willing boy his boy. But now, Little Jim seemed suddenly to have become an actual companion, a partner, a sharer in things as they were and were to be. Hard work and inherent industry had developed in Little Jim an independence that would have been considered precocious in the East.

Turning into an old book-shop to ask the exact time of service at the synagogue, he was affectionately directed by a precocious Jewish youth, who entered cordially into his wanting, not the fine new building of the Reformed but the old Rabbinical school of the orthodox; and then cheated him like a pure Teuton, only with more amenity, in his charge for a book quite out of request as one "nicht so leicht zu bekommen."

By the time the infant was two years old he began to thrive, and grew into an active, healthy child. Not robust, he was, nevertheless, wiry, and endowed with nervous energy. His earliest instruction was from the Abbé de Châteauneuf, who taught him belles lettres and deism. At a very early age the little lad exhibited a precocious talent for versification.

Well, with the dandelion and the violet we know with reasonable certainty how the matter stands. The autumnal blooms are not belated, but precocious; they belong not to the season past, but to the season coming. Who shall forbid us to hope that what is true of the violet will prove true also of the man?

So, too, an unfortunate publicity given to child prodigies brought with it for a short time an epidemic of forced intellectual feeding of children, that produced only a precocious neurasthenia as its great result. Similarly the Montessori method of child training which made every woman into a kindergarten teacher did a hundred times more harm than good, despite the merits of the system.

I want it to cry in," said the Orphan importantly. "A funeral?" I asked. "In Our Square? Whose?" "My cousin Minnie. She's goin' to be buried in God's Acre, an' I'm invited 'cause I'm a r'lation. She married a sporting gentleman named Hines an' she died yesterday," said the precocious Orphan.

S, Hilton Volunteers! pretty good pretty good!" and a light laugh rippled over the man's lips. "And Miss Tuttle is 'first lieutenant," he continued, "and gallantly came forward to share the self-imposed mission of her friend 'to go to the front. There's pluck there, too; but you are a precocious pair you two and keep one busy guessing what you will do next.

True, 'er ladyship gave him chocolates to eat during these sessions, but for all that it was too much like school for his taste. He regarded the open page with disfavour. "Go on," said Maud, closing her eyes. "It's very beautiful." Albert began. He had a husky voice, due, it is to be feared, to precocious cigarette smoking, and his enunciation was not as good as it might have been.

On the one hand there was Aristides, called the Just inflexible, incorruptible, impersonal and generous; on the other, Themistocles precocious and wild as a boy; profligate as a youth and young man; ambitious, unscrupulous and cruel; a genius; a patriot; without moral sense.

As for the old duchess, she loved too well and too wisely not to be timid and troubled all her life long, first for the mother, then for the children. Such was the early training of the young prince, and for a time it availed to direct his thoughts to noble aspirations. From his studies, both in English and Pali, he derived an exalted ideal of life, and precocious and inexpressible yearnings.