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Dishart carried the Bible out o' the pulpit instead o' leaving that duty as usual to the kirk-officer. Weel, Tammas, being precentor, has a richt, as you ken, to leave the kirk by the session-house door, just like the minister himsel'. He did so that afternoon, and what, think you, did he see? He saw Mr. Dishart tearing a page out o' the Bible, and flinging it savagely into the session-house fire.

Le Mâitre could not work without the inspiration of the wine cup, and thus his passion for his art landed him a sot. He took offence at a slight put upon him by the precentor of the cathedral of which he was choir-master, and left Annecy in a furtive manner along with Rousseau, whom the too comprehensive solicitude of Madame de Warens despatched to bear him company.

Just as the tidings of the sun-stroke and its cause had reached him, he had been with Mr. Nixon, the former Precentor, who had spoken warmly of Lance, saying that the whole tone of the boys had improved since his coming, though he was too much of a pickle ever to get the credit. Wilmet's pleasure was great; but before she could get back, Lance was nervously calling for her.

'And what is your edition of the story, sir? said the stranger, turning to him with interest. 'That's maybe no sae canny to tell, said the precentor, with solemnity.

'That's all very well, but it won't make a young man of me, said Mr Harding. 'And who is to be the dean? asked Mr Arabin. 'Yes, that is the question, said the archdeacon. 'Come, Mr Precentor, since you obstinately refuse to be anything else, let us know who is to be the man. He has got the nomination in his pocket.

At a short distance behind the musicians, came the precentor with his choristers. He was terribly annoyed by the band, and in a great state of anxiety, lest the sorrowing relatives of the deceased should not notice, how much extra trouble he had taken with the singing.

Sam was the tall, imperious precentor of the Mill Row meeting-house. He was also the chief baker of the town and "looked up to" in matters relating to morals as well as loaves. "Mister Gwynn has promised t' read a chapther, Mister Johnson. He'll read, maybe, the fourteenth of John.

A minister preaching for a kirk is one thing, but a minister placed in't may be a very different berry." "Joseph Cruickshanks," cried the precentor, passionately, "none o' your d d blasphemy!" They all looked at Whamond, and he dug his teeth into his lips in shame. "Wha's swearing now?" said the atheist. But Whamond was quick. "Matthew, twelve and thirty-one," he said.

This letter was answered by another, bright, charming, and witty, as the signora's always were; and so ended the friendship between Eleanor and the Stanhopes. One word of Mr Harding, and we have done. He is still Precentor of Barchester, and still pastor of the little church of St Cuthbert's. In spite of what he has so often said himself, he is not even yet an old man.

The precentor and organist, aided by Bishop Pangraz Sinzenhofer and Blasius, the captain of the city guard, had endeavoured to collect the papers which proved Wolf's noble birth.