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The frightful hood gradually contracted; the snake slithered between Master's feet and disappeared into the bushes. "Why my guru would move his hands, and why the cobra would not strike them, were inexplicable to me then," Prafulla concluded. "I have since come to realize that my divine master is beyond fear of hurt from any living creature."

"The morning you left for the Allahabad MELA," Prafulla told me, "Master dropped heavily on the davenport. "'Yogananda is gone! he cried. 'Yogananda is gone! He added cryptically, 'I shall have to tell him some other way. He sat then for hours in silence." My days were filled with lectures, classes, interviews, and reunions with old friends.

This variety of snake is much feared in India, where it causes more than five thousand deaths annually. The dangerous encounter took place at Puri, where Sri Yukteswar had a second hermitage, charmingly situated near the Bay of Bengal. Prafulla, a young disciple of later years, was with Master on this occasion. "We were seated outdoors near the ashram," Prafulla told me.

May all fortunate enough to have come near him inculcate in themselves the true spirit of India's culture and SADHANA which was personified in him. I returned to Calcutta. Not trusting myself as yet to go to the Serampore hermitage with its sacred memories, I summoned Prafulla, Sri Yukteswar's little disciple in Serampore, and made arrangements for him to enter the Ranchi school.