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In his zeal to justify the penal laws against Catholics Froude accepted without sufficient inquiry evidence which could only have satisfied one willing to believe the worst. * English in Ireland, vol. i. pp. 417-434. + Ibid., p. 417.

Sometimes, when they had come to full growth, they rejoined the whites; but generally they were enthralled by the wild freedom and fascination of their forest life, and never forsook their adopted tribesmen, remaining inveterate foes of their own color. The Attack on Wheeling. For an account of the siege, see De Haas, pp. 223-340.

[Footnote 26: The source of Bode’s information is the article by Dr. Hill, first published in the Royal Female Magazine for April, 1760, and reprinted in the London Chronicle, May 5, 1760 (pp. 434-435), under the title, “Anecdotes of a fashionable Author.” Bode’s sketch is an abridged translation of this article. This article is referred to in Sterne’s letters, I, pp. 38-9,

Perhaps its greatest practical value lies in its suggestiveness as to the ways in which one may use his personality and initiative in dealing with backward children, rather than sticking so closely to prescribed tests and methods. RAYMOND BELLAMY. Emory & Henry College, Emory, Va. By Sir Oliver Lodge. G. P. Putnam s Sons, New York and London, 1914. Pp. v, 131.

[Footnote 4: “Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung,” V, pp. 184

See Tovey's Martial Law and the Custom of War, part 2, pp. 13, 29. A striking instance of the deceptive use of a flag occurred in 1781, when the English, having captured St.

The remaining verses are to be found in the collected edition of his works the fourth volume of Las Papillotos, new edition, pp. 247-9, entitled A une jeune Voyayeuse. Papillotes, as we have said, are curl-papers.

The reader who wishes to see what I do maintain upon this subject will find it on pp. 216-218 of the present volume. Talking of legs, as I went through the main street of Dalpe an old lady of about sixty-five stopped me, and told me that while gathering her winter store of firewood she had had the misfortune to hurt her leg.

The head is admirably engraved, though we do not at all fancy the way in which the background is done; it is heavy, formal, and unartistic, but this may be matter of choice. Man and his Dwelllng-Place. An Essay towards the Interpretation of Nature. New York. Redfield. 12mo. pp. 391. $1.00. Edited by David A. Wells, A.M. Boston. Gould & Lincoln. 12mo. pp. 410. $1.25. Letters of a Traveller.

See an interesting account of the natives of the Murray Islands, in Flinders' Voyage, vol. ii. pp. 108-110. To the observer of human nature it is, indeed, a curious spectacle to watch the several contrary feelings and impulses by which the Australian savage is actuated in his intercourse with the more civilised portions of our race.