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In fact, Ayub's force ceased to exist; many of his troops at once assumed the garb of peaceful cultivators, and the Pretender himself fled to Herat . Papers, Afghanistan, No. 3 , p. 82. Hensman, The Afghan War; Shadbolt, op. cit. pp. 108-110.

Smith and Sheridan were to have high assignments in the Eastern army. Rosecrans was sent to Missouri, and Schofield, to his great content, was appointed to command the Army of the Ohio. See also Schofield's "Forty-six Years in the Army," pp. 108-110. In regard to general officers the question of assignments and promotions was always an embarrassing one for commanders of armies in the field.

Of the tale of the peasant and the workman three copies, more or less imperfect, remain to us. At Berlin are two papyri, Nos. 2 and 4, containing parts of the tale, published in fascimile in the "Denkmaler" of Lepsius vi. 108-110 and 113; while portions of another copy exist in the Butler papyrus; and lately fragments of the same have been collated in the collection of Lord Amherst of Hackney.

See an interesting account of the natives of the Murray Islands, in Flinders' Voyage, vol. ii. pp. 108-110. To the observer of human nature it is, indeed, a curious spectacle to watch the several contrary feelings and impulses by which the Australian savage is actuated in his intercourse with the more civilised portions of our race.