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His face was just like wax, and he sat there like a wooden doll with his long arms hanging down stiff yes! comme une poupée. And I couldn't find a scratch on him not one! And do you know what he had on a woman's chemise! Écoutez!" he added suddenly, and he held up a monitory hand.

After he had prolonged this action, in spite of frequent criticism, till he looked like a fragment of the ballet of "La Poupée," the teacher lost patience. "Domingo," she said, "I have told you again and again not to make those pointless, mechanical gestures. Why do you do it? They are inappropriate and artificial, and they make you look like a fool."

If she were bigger and more muscular, she'd have kissed and squeezed the breath of life out of me, which would have been awkward for her, as she'd then have been thrown back upon her own resources. Oh, ma petite poupee de Mere, only think of it! I go to-morrow into space. I disappear. I cease to exist pro tem. There will be no me, no Audrie, but, instead, two Ellalines.

I do not want a sloven, but I want a girl who is a real person and not a mere poupée modèle to show off dresses. Petty gossip is the prevailing danger of any small community such as a girls' school.

It was a pity: I was not he believed, in his soul wholly without good qualities: and would I but hear reason, and be more sedate, more sober, less "en l'air," less "coquette," less taken by show, less prone to set an undue value on outside excellence to make much of the attentions of people remarkable chiefly for so many feet of stature, "des couleurs de poupee," "un nez plus ou moins bien fait," and an enormous amount of fatuity I might yet prove an useful, perhaps an exemplary character.