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Her face was animated by soft sensitive eyes the figure supple and slight, the dress of the plainest material, but so neatly made and so perfectly worn that I should have doubted her being a German girl, if I had not heard the purely South-German accent in which she put her question. It was answered, briefly and civilly, by the conductor of the post-carriage in which I had traveled.

He offered that, if they would bring her to him, he would see that she was sent on thither by a post-carriage, but that in view of the extreme cold it would be better that she should not be forwarded until the spring. A village council was held on the receipt of this letter, and the proposal that she should be sent by the bishop was unanimously negatived.

In this quieting company Skenedonk spied me as he rattled past with the post-carriage; and considering my behavior at other times, he was not enough surprised to waste any good words of Oneida. He stopped the carriage and I got in. He pointed ahead toward a curtain of trees which screened the chateau. "Paris," I answered. "Paris," he repeated to the postilion, and we turned about.

The garden was more than I could endure. I lay down early and slept late, as soon as I awoke in the morning beginning preparation for leaving France. Yet two days passed, for we were obliged to exchange our worn post-carriage for another after waiting for repairs. The old valet packed my belongings; though I wondered what I was going to do with them in America.

A post-carriage could easily turn round in one of these. The vats are of course proportioned to the cellars, particularly the barrels called the "twelve apostles," each of which holds between three and four thousand gallons.

Meat being forbidden, the godly brethren have a contract for fish to be brought up every day by the post-carriage from the distant Soverato. And what happens, I asked, when none are caught? "Eh bien, nous mangeons des macaroni!" Such a diet would never suit me. Let me retire to a monkery where carnivorous leanings may be indulged.

Many thanks for having had the arias written out so quickly, for it shows that you place confidence in me when I beg a favor of you. Mannheim, Feb. 28, 1778. I HOPE to receive the arias next Friday or Saturday, although in your last letter you made no further mention of them, so I don't know whether you sent them off on the 22d by the post-carriage.

I knew that she was towering between Marie-Therese and me a fearless palpitating statue. The devilish roaring mob shot above itself a forced, admiring, piercing cry "Long live the queen!" Then all became the humming of bees the vibration of a string nothing! Blackness surrounded the post-carriage in which I woke, and it seemed to stand in a tunnel that was afire at one end.

The peasants of this country, men in shirts and drawers of coarse linen, and women with braided hair hanging down under linen veils, stopped their carts as soon as a post-carriage rushed into sight, and bent almost to the earth. At post-houses the servants abased themselves to take me by the heel. In no other country was the spirit of man so broken.

"Perhaps we shall see each other after many years." Trendellsohn, as he sat beside his young wife in the post-carriage which took them out of the city, was silent till he had come nearly to the outskirts of the town; and then he spoke. "Nina," he said, "I am leaving behind me, and for ever, much that I love well." "And it is for my sake," she said. "I feel it daily, hourly.