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In February the Journal accords a noble tribute "to that great Triumvirate Lucian, Cervantes, and Swift"; not indeed "for that Wit and Humour alone, which they all so eminently possesst, but because they all endeavoured with the utmost Force of their Wit and Humour, to expose and extirpate those Follies and Vices which chiefly prevailed in their several Countries."

"Sir," said Joseph, "I assure you her beauty is her least perfection; nor do I know a virtue which that young creature is not possesst of."

Ah! that was once my happy lot When I with house and home was blest, I'd then a fair companion got With many female charms possesst. Nor scantily did Heaven shower down Those gifts which render life a blessing, But did our cup with plenty crown, Nor let us feel what was distressing.

Having thus said I girt on my sword; and lest I shou'd be too weak to maintain the war, encourag'd my self with a lusty meal, and making out of doors, like one possesst, search'd every place: but whilst, with a wild distracted countenance, I thought of nothing but blood and slaughter; and oft with execrations laying my hand on my sword, a souldier, perhaps some cheat or padder, observ'd me, and making up to me, askt to what regiment or company I, his brother souldier, belong'd? when, with a good assurance, I had cheated him into a belief of the regiment and company; well, but friend, said he, looking down, doe the souldiers of your company walk in such shoes?

Well, bejabers, the full moon come up at last an' she made the sign of the shaddy crass, an' the ould Cat goes out an' watches an' watches loike he wanted to an' didn't dar to, till that crass drapped fayer onto the hairbs, an' Tom he jumped then an' ate an' ate, an' from that day he was a well Cat; an' that's how Oi larned Catnip, an' it set me moind aisy, too, fur no Cat that's possesst 'll iver ate inunder the shaddy av the crass."