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Jupiter, Juno, Venus, Jugatinus, Hymenaeus, Diana, &c. Extra. Cic. would have said expertem or positum extra. But T. is fond of the adv. used elliptically. Auspiciis==initiatory rites. Denuntiant, proclaim, denote. Accipere depends on denuntiant or admonetur. Rursus, quae referantur. Rhenanus conjectured; rursusque referant, which has since become the common reading.

Chrysostome, speaking of such as are subject to bishops, saith, In potestate positum est obedire vel non. Liberty in things indifferent, saith Amandus Polanus, est per quam Christiani sunt liberi in usu vel abstinentia rerum adiaphorarom.

So too, the Father has a 'logos' with which he distinguishes the 'Logos'; and the 'Logos' has a 'logos', and so on: that is to say, there are three several though not severed triune Gods, each being the same position three times 'realiter positum', as three guineas from the same mint, supposing them to differ no more than they appear to us to differ; but whether a difference wholly and exclusively numerical is a conceivable notion, except under the predicament of space and time; whether it be not absurd to affirm it, where interspace and interval cannot be affirmed without absurdity this is the question; or rather it is no question.

Annotabant periti non alium ducem opportunitates locorum sapientius legisse: nullum ab Agricola positum castellum aut vi hostium expugnatum aut pactione ac fuga desertum.

Whoever shall take upon him to watch another's behaviour in such a confusion is not very busy himself, and the testimony he shall give of his companions' deportment will be evidence against himself: "Vera et sapiens animi magnitudo, honestum illud, quod maxime naturam sequitur, in factis positum, non in gloria, judicat."