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In revenge the prince immediately sent such an amount of paper to the bank to be cashed that it required four wagons to bring away the silver, and he had the meanness to loll out of the window of his hotel and jest and exult as it was trundled into his portecochere. This was the signal for other drains of like nature.

But the favour lost much of its value in his eyes when presently I added that I did not wish the seconds to engage, since the matter was of so very personal a character. Mironsac and Castelroux, assisted by Saint-Eustache, closed the heavy portecochere, and so shut us in from the observation of passers-by.

Captain Shirley, a man of sixty-two or three, bronzed and wiry, met us eagerly. "So this is Professor Kennedy; I'm glad to meet you, sir," he welcomed, clasping Craig's hand in both of his a fine figure as he stood erect in the light of the portecochere. "What's the news from Washington, Burke? Any clues?" "I can hardly tell," replied the secret service man. with assumed cheerfulness.

There is some wireless interference from that direction." As Shirley, with a half-insane light in his eyes, flashed the message mechanically through space, Craig rose and signalled to the house. Under the portecochere I saw a waiting automobile, which an instant later tore up the broken-stone path and whirled around almost on two wheels near the edge of the cliff.

And he drew Gavroche hastily out of range of the lighted shops. The two little ones followed mechanically, holding each other by the hand. When they were ensconced under the arch of a portecochere, sheltered from the rain and from all eyes: "Do you know where I'm going?" demanded Montparnasse. "To the Abbey of Ascend-with-Regret," replied Gavroche. "Joker!" And Montparnasse went on: