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The Zenos having represented Porland as composed of a cluster of small islands, I suspected the other names might likewise refer to collective groups.

Neome I take to be Strom-oe, one of the Faro isles, Porland probably meant the Far-oer, or Faro islands; as Far-oe, or Far- land, is easily transmuted into Porland. It is true that we find no such name as Zicumni among the princes of the Orkneys.

Mr Forster is not happy in his explanation of this word, Porlanda or Porland, which he endeavours to derive from Fara-land; precisely the same with Fris-land from Faras-land, only dropping the genitive s. Porland seems used as a general name of the earldom, perhaps connected with the strange name Pomona, still used for mainland, the largest of the Orkney islands.