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I'm not going to let you outdo me there, you see, though I may be a little bit late." "Good old Bob!" said Gerrard weakly. "Not a bit of it. Ain't we chums, old boy? Now remember, pop goes the weasel!" Mutineers. New hand. "My dear, I fear you will think I have been indiscreet." Mrs James Antony looked up, and caught her husband's humourously deprecating expression.

Jerry tilted his head toward the luggage he had made a second trip for, picked up Pop, clamped his hand over the mouth that was trying to betray them, and slipped away through the brush glancing once over his shoulder to make sure that Bud was following him.

"I always saw them trained that way. But her Pop didn't stand for it." During this conversation Pearl and Flick had risen and, with Lolita still on Flick's shoulder, had sauntered down through the garden. Seeing this, Rudolf, with his customary philosophy, made the best of the situation. "Well," with rather vague gallantry, "I don't see how he can stay away from a home like this."

Colonel Gresham laughed, a gentle, mellow laugh, quite in harmony with the happy-lined face and the graying hair. "I wish I had a chair to offer you," he said, looking about him, as if expecting one to pop into sight. "I suppose I'm indebted to David and Leonora for this visit." "No, Colonel Gresham, I came to see you especially this time.

L. Meyer asserts that the ears of man are more variable in form than those of a woman. 'Archiv fur Path. The conclusions recently arrived at by Dr. J. Stockton Hough, on the temperature of man, are given in the 'Pop. Sci.

"I hope he did not put them on," interrupts the young theologian, for it is he who accompanies Tom. "Avast! I'll come to that. He said he'd only charge me five dollars for going to jail without 'em, so rather than have me calling damaged, I giv him it. It was only a trifle. 'Now, Jack, says the fellow, as we went along, in a friendly sort of way, 'just let us pop in and see the justice.

I turned back to my book, but had scarcely found my place when I caught the tinkle of breaking glass on woodwork, and practically at the same instant there was a sharp "pop," as if someone had drawn a cork from a bottle of some gaseous liquid. On the heels of that had come the single whip-like crack of a revolver. I swung to my feet in an instant, and the book dropped unheeded to the floor.

"It's me, pop! It's Pete! Lemme in!" Annersley's heart sank. Why had the boy come? How did he know? How had he managed to get away? He flung open the door and dragged Pete in. "What you doin' here?" he challenged. "I done lost my hat," gasped Pete. "I I was lookin' for it." "Your hat? You gone loco? Git in there and lay down!"

"Now you'd better go to sleep; you'll be all right directly, if you're careful not to move it or lie on it or anything." Peter said he would be careful. He didn't at all want to move it or lie on it or anything. He lay and had waking visions of the popping rabbits. But they might pop as they liked; Peter hid a better thing in his inmost soul. Urquhart had said, "Sorry to hurt you, Margerison.

And then in mock tones, flourishing one hand, the man read aloud amid the various noises of the place the pop of champagne bottles and the rumble of the dancing in the room below the fulsome letters he had received from clergymen. The wretched women in their paint and patches shrieked with laughter. It was at that moment Drake came up, looking pale and fierce. "Hello there! Is it you?