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"It duz hev a squint toward it, theer ain't no denyin'. But I reckon it wuz baound ter come, vote ay or vote nay. Fer nigh three months all the young fellers hev been drillin' pooty reg'lar." "Oh!" spoke up Janice. "Then that 's what Charles meant when he said 't was drill took him to the village." "What?" demanded the squire. "My bond-servant?" "Ay. 'T is he duz the trainin', so Phil tells me."

Then the good woman climbed in over the wheel, settled her ample person on the seat and gathered up the reins, while the station-master stood smoothing the mare's mane, ready for a parting word of friendly gossip. "Jacob pooty smart!" he asked, brushing a fly from Nancy's shoulder. "Only middling," was the reply.

At length, after having thus passed the whole night, the path came to a creek. Here Zac paused. "Now, little gal," said he, "you may go to sleep till mornin', for I think we've got pooty nigh onto the end of our tramp."

"That's all your blindness," said the captain, as they mentioned it to him. "You can't see anything but the water, an as it is movin with us, it doesn't seem as though we were movin. But we air, notwithstandin, an pooty quick too. I'll take two hours' drift before stoppin, so as to make sure.

"She dun talk about nuthin' else but her pooty young missus." "And how 's Blueskin, Billy?" questioned Janice. "Lor' bless us, miss, dyar ain't no restrainin' ob dat steed wid de airs he put on since he dun took part at Monmouth an' hear the gin'l say what he tink oh dat feller Lee.

Before Jenny Bell went to live with her darter I didn't know what I should dew, for the taters was gittin' pooty low. Yew know she used ter eat twenty ter a meal an' then look hungry at the platter. An' then ef old Square Ely didn't come a-drivin' up one mornin' with ten bushel in the farm wagon! He'd been savin' 'em fer us all winter fer fear we might run short in the spring.

She hed eyes thet'd bore you through at fifty yards, and pooty hands and feet. And when she kinder got out o' that stiff, narvous state she was in, and warmed up a little, and got chipper, by G-d, sir, she was handsome, she was that!" A little flushed and embarrassed at his own enthusiasm, he stopped, and then said, carelessly, "They got off at Murphy's." "Well," said Islington.

Nothing but a story would keep her still, and poor Susy often wondered which was harder, to be used as a football by Dotty, or to tell stories with her eyes shut. "O, Dotty Dimple, keep still; can't you? There's a darling," she would plead, longing for another nap; "don't kill me." "No, no; me won't kill," the little one would reply; "'tisn't pooty to kill!"

"I'm pooty well," answered the little boy. "Where did you find him, ma'am, if I may be so bold?" "This young gentleman brought him back, Edward. Now, drive right home." "Won't you go around to the office, ma'am, and tell master?" "No; he must have left the office by this time. We shall see him at supper to-night."

"We can do that," said Mr. Silas Peckham. "But I don't propose mater'lly alterin' Miss Darley's dooties. I don't think she works to hurt herself. Some of the Trustees have proposed interdoosin' new branches of study, and I expect you will be pooty much occoopied with the dooties that belong to your place.