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"That doesn't matter; we must make it up, of course. If we put 'us' or 'o' at the end of every word it will sound exactly like the stuff Cousin Ronald learns. Now: Poor-us soul-us, do-us you-us want-o to cross over-o?" "Yes-o," replied Maurice promptly.

An' she just faded away, like, and whin she couldn't stan' no longer, she was tuk away to the 'ospital; and the chillen was put in the poor-us, or I don't just know what it is they calls the place; and it was weary for them, but it was a good day for meself at the same time. An' the place is iligant and quite now, sir. An' whin will the lady move in, that you're wantin' the room for?"

By the way, have you all the tobacco you want?" "Vell, now, master, p'raps ye know the 'lowance down hat the poor-us vasn't sich as ud keep a body in vat ye'd call satisfyin' smokin'. Hi never 'ad henough ter keep down the 'ankerin'." "I suppose that's so. You shall have half of my stock, and when I go to town again, I'll get you a good supply.

"Viggins, Mrs. Viggins." "Oh, indeed! You are a married woman?" "No, hi'm a vidder. What's more, hi'm cold, and drippin', an' 'ungry. Hi might 'a' better stayed at the poor-us than come to a place like this." "What!" almost screamed Mrs. Mumpson, "are you a pauper?" "Hi tell ye hi'm a vidder, an' good as you be, for hall he said," was the sullen reply.