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As the question was again put pointedly to me I replied that, whilst I should greatly regret being separated from so stanch a shipmate and so true a friend as my companion had proved himself to be in many a situation of difficulty and peril, I would not allow the feeling to interfere in any way with the plans of a kind and generous patron; and I felt sure that, in saying this on my own behalf, I might also say as much for my friend.

"How did you come here, Daisy?" "I came by the boat, last Friday. How should I come?" "Who are you with?" "Dr. Sandford and Mrs. Sandford." "Mrs. Sandford, and Dr. Sandford," said Preston, pointedly. "You are not with the doctor, I suppose." "Why yes, I am," I answered. "He is my guardian don't you know, Preston? He brought me. How tall you have grown!" "A parcel of Yankees," said Preston.

It was as much as he could do to conceal his uneasiness, not about himself perhaps, but about things in general. It occurred to him distinctly that something underhand was going on. As he went out he ignored the doctor pointedly. "A brute!" said Sotillo, as the door shut. Dr.

For instance, a man may preach most eloquently and acceptably on the three "R's" if he does not apply the subject too pointedly, by telling the people, both in the pulpit and out of it, that they are now ruined and lost; and that, having been redeemed, they are responsible before God; and that, if they will not be regenerated by the Spirit, they will be damned.

She's attractive, a pleasant talker, and I think intelligent." "Highly intelligent," Mrs. Keith remarked pointedly "Do you think she's to be trusted?" "It doesn't enter into the question. I don't see that either of us is required to trust her." "I'm inclined to think that's fortunate," Mrs. Keith rejoined. For the next half hour she kept Challoner at her side and then left him with Mrs. Foster.

Also, a successful monopoly of the tea trade granted to the East India Company could be followed by similar actions to the detriment of all American traders, merchants, and consumers. The discriminatory uses of both taxing power and the Navigation Acts became pointedly clear in a time of economic decline in which no one was proposing loans and special privileges for Virginia tobacco planters.

I forgot you people had been handling my gun. I keep it switched to stunner myself when I'm carrying it," she added pointedly. "Perfectly all right about the pot," the Commissioner said. "I should have warned you. Otherwise, I'd say all you'd need is a moment to see them coming."

Certainly, Shelburne on this occasion showed, with an unmistakableness that simply infuriated George III., that he did not fear the court. The king made no secret of his displeasure. He dismissed the ex-minister even from his post of royal aide-de-camp, and when he appeared at court snubbed him pointedly by pretending not to notice his presence.

The skipper presented an unmoved breadth of back: it was the renegade's trick to appear pointedly unaware of your existence unless it suited his purpose to turn at you with a devouring glare before he let loose a torrent of foamy, abusive jargon that came like a gush from a sewer.

The President's position in pursuing a policy which had been so pointedly condemned, excited derision and contempt in the North, but it led to mischievous results in the South.