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Strictly speaking minutus ought to be used of things which are fragments of larger things, minutus being really the participle passive of minuo. Cf. 46 pocula minuta; also below, 85 minuti philosophi. MALLEOLI: vine-cuttings; so called because a portion of the parent stem was cut away with the new shoot, leaving the cutting in the shape of a mallet.

I would not say that in the Moniteur, egad! but I may whisper it among friends. Inter pocula. To sacrifice the world to paradise is to let slip the prey for the shadow. Be the dupe of the infinite! I'm not such a fool. I am a nought. I call myself Monsieur le Comte Nought, senator. Did I exist before my birth? No. Shall I exist after death? No. What am I? A little dust collected in an organism.

Ecce inter pocula quaerunt Romulidae saturi, quid dia poemata narrent. Persius, Sat. i. 30. Nay, more! Our nobles, gorged, and swilled with wine, Call o'er the banquet for a lay divine! Gifford. It was cultivated as a kind of fashionable exercise, in short and desultory attempts, in which the chief ambition was to produce verses extempore.

He was reported, to be sure, at about the time of Granvelle's departure from the Netherlands, to have said "post pocula, that the quarrel was not with the Cardinal, but with the King, who was administering the public affairs very badly, even in the matter of religion."

Hinc lucem et pocula sacra, said the old motto of Cambridge. The light was clear enough, and led him forward, as it led the pilgrim of old, shining across a very wide field.

This matter must go no further. It has gone too far already. After to-night you must see her no more. I am serious in this serious inter pocula, if such a thing can be. It is necessary to observe caution, for reasons that will at once occur to thee. Thou canst not wed this girl then why trifle with her till her heart be broken." "Broken it shall never be by me!" cried Richard.

when six great vessels containing water, the whole amounting to more than a hogshead-full, were changed into the best of wine. I once wrote a song about wine, in which I spoke so warmly of it, that I was afraid some would think it was written inter pocula; whereas it was composed in the bosom of my family, under the most tranquillizing domestic influences.

Inter pocula each candidate had learned the secret of the farce, and the revelation inspired him with the desire to hoax his successor. We see now why Oscar, become in his turn participator in the hoax, called out to the little clerk, "Forward, the book!"

Cant may talk of your "inter pocula" errors with pious horror; and pretension, now that its indulgence is safe, may affect to disclaim your acquaintance; but kinder, and better, and truer men than those who furnished your biographer with his facts will not fail to recollect your talents with pride, and your wit and your humour with wonder and delight.

The wines were worthy of Borrel, who in those days had superseded the illustrious Balaine, the creator of the first restaurant for delicate and perfectly prepared food in Paris, that is to say, the whole world. The report of this Belshazzar's feast for the architriclino-basochien register was duly drawn up, beginning, "Inter pocula aurea restauranti, qui vulgo dicitur Rupes Cancali."