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As has been already said, Mrs Grant's intellect was never very bright, and at this particular time she was rather drowsy, so that she did not observe the child, and on reaching her chair, turned round preparatory to letting herself plump into it. She always plumped into her chair. Her muscles were too soft to lower her gently down into it.

"And a tankard!" "A tankard." They understood each other perfectly. "Looking for work?" asked the plump woman. "In a way," said Mr. Polly. They smiled like old friends. Whatever the truth may be about love, there is certainly such a thing as friendship at first sight. They liked each other's voices, they liked each other's way of smiling and speaking.

"I would be so proud if I were Martha. But then she has no brother Ezra nor baby Jonas to play with her." In spite of the windows little Martha did not seem at all proud. She helped her mother bring bowls of water for the guests to wash in, and when the meal was ready she patted the plump cushions into shape on the divans placed before the gayly painted table.

"It is a great disadvantage," he observed, while still glancing through the paper, "to come plump into an inquiry without preparation to be confronted with the details before one has a chance of considering the case in general terms. For instance "

Godefroid looked at Madame de la Chanterie as he listened to the harmonies of her limpid voice; he examined that face so purely white, resembling those of the cold, grave women of Holland whom the Flemish painters have so wonderfully reproduced with their smooth skins, in which a wrinkle is impossible. "White and plump!" he said to himself, as he walked away; "but her hair is white, too."

Rushton was unlike her in every respect, low in size, plump, smiling, and dressed in the most becoming and elegant fashion. Mrs. Enderby spoke slowly and with deliberation; Mrs. Rushton kept chattering incessantly. "Well, Amy," said the former, "I hope you will talk to William about it, and perhaps he may induce you to change your mind. Here he is," as a gentleman was seen coming across the lawn.

But Robin, darting and tumbling about after a ball, pitched erratically in any direction but the right one from Dodo's plump little paw, soon found him out, and the puppy set up such a terrific barking as compelled attention. "I surrender!" he cried, with a deprecating look at Joyce as he emerged. "I was just just botanizing, you know."

Dear old Cousin Christopher, fifty-eight and a bachelor. Why had it not occurred to him before? Out of the sky there appeared to Commander Raffleton the vision of "Cousin Christopher" as a plump, rubicund angel in a panama hat and a pepper-and-salt tweed suit holding out a lifebelt. Cousin Christopher would take to Malvina as some motherly hen to an orphaned duckling.

One of them has the size and smoothness and plump sphericity of a balloon of the biggest pattern. The road led through a forest of great gum-trees, lean and scraggy and sorrowful. The road was cream-white a clayey kind of earth, apparently. Along it toiled occasional freight wagons, drawn by long double files of oxen.

She was never in the habit of "beating about the bush;" but always spoke out straight, plump and plain, to the point. "Really, my boy," she continued, "I think there is no excuse for your acting so strangely to the poor little girl, after all your attentions and long intimacy!" "But, Miss Pimpernell," I commenced; however, she quickly interrupted me.