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Hugh decided not to try to explain away the mistake made by his new acquaintance, and to accept the offer of assistance in getting the appointment as telegraph operator. The two men walked out of the station and stood again in the darkness. The railroad man felt like one who has been given the privilege of plucking a human soul out of the darkness of despair.

I am in debt horribly in debt getting deeper and deeper every day and I am going to sell myself to the only man who can pay my debts and give me fine houses, and finery like this, plucking at the crépe de chine gown, with its flossy fringe, its delicate lace, a marvel of artistic expenditure; a garment which looked simplicity itself, and yet was so cleverly contrived as to cost five-and-thirty guineas.

And when the ladies came to take their leave of their father the Cid, and of their mother Dona Ximena, great were the lamentations on both sides, as if their hearts had divined the evil which was to come; and the Cid strove to comfort them, saying, that he should alway think of them, and would maintain them in good estate: and he gave them his blessing and turned back toward Valencia, and they went their way with their husbands, and that parting was like plucking the nail from the flesh.

Thank God, their plucking out is a mere fancy; and the sole miserable reality is the bare rump which they call their religion; but that is the ape's own growth. Ib. p. 77. First, that all punishments are designed for the good of the whole, and less or corrective punishments for the good of the offender, is admitted. God never inflicts punishment for the sake of punishing.

He set his gun against a rock and, plucking some broad palm leaves, made a cup which would hold about a pint. All this required time, and he was constantly tortured with the recollection that his charge was suffering with thirst. With the improvised cup full of water, he hastened to the almost fainting girl and said gladly: "I have found pure, sweet water in abundance.

The getting in this harvest is 'as business-like and unexciting as weeding onions, or digging potatoes. A set of ragged peasants the country people hereabouts are poorly dressed were clambering barefoot in the trees, each man with a basket tied before him, and lazily plucking the dull oily fruit.

If he could obtain that sum he could buy two thousand five hundred shares, and if they went to three pounds, he could clear nearly eight thousand. What an idea! It was ripe fruit tumbling off the tree without the trouble of plucking it. But five hundred pounds! He had not as many pence, and he did not know where to get it.

When growing thus in groves the palms are very beautiful, their towering crests waving in unison as they seem to form an immense natural temple, about which vines and creepers wreath their graceful tendrils, while birds of varied plumage sing their matin and vesper songs, plucking meanwhile the golden fruit that grows in clusters at the very summit of the tree.

Rising from the ground and plucking forth his knife, Ibrahim sprang at my brother who, unarmed, straightway smote him senseless, and that is talked of in Mekran Kot to this day. Yea senseless. Placing the thumb upon the knuckles of the clenched fingers, he smote at the chin of Ibrahim, and laid him, as one dead, upon the earth.

Then he strolled away and supplemented his meal with a fine bunch of grapes, bought for a penny at a stall that glowed and was fragrant with piles of fruit. Heedless of the carriage-drivers who shouted at him and even dogged him along street after street, he sauntered in the broad sunshine, plucking his grapes and relishing them.