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Well, your honour, they waked him as well as they could, with what neighbours they could git togither, but by rason iv the snow, there wasn't enough gothered to make much divarsion; however it was a plisint wake enough, an' the churchyard an' the priest bein' convanient, as soon as the youngsthers had their bit iv fun and divarsion out iv the corpse, they burried it without a great dale iv throuble; an' about three days afther the berrin, ould Jim Mallowney, from th'other side iv the little hill, her own cousin by the mother's side he had a snug bit iv a farm an' a house close by, by the same token kem walkin' in to see how she was in her health, an' he dhrew a chair, an' he sot down an' beginned to convarse her about one thing an' another, antil he got her quite an' asy into middlin' good humour, an' as soon as he seen it was time: 'I'm wondherin', says he, 'Nell Gorman, sich a handsome, likely girl, id be thinkin' iv nothin' but lamintin' an' the likes, says he, 'an' lingerin' away her days without any consolation, or gettin' a husband, says he.

"Burke looked at him, an' he looked at th' comity; an' he says, 'Gintlemen, if iver ye come over in th' Sixth Ward, dhrop in an' see me, he says. 'I'll thry an' make it plisint f'r ye, he says. An' he wint away. "Th' story got out, an' th' good man heerd iv it.

More than once he enjoyed the moment of their visitors' departure on a wild-goose chase, "consaitin' they've got us be the hind leg this time for sartin;" and long did he chuckle over the evening when they came and "sat discoorsin' as plisint and aisy as a rabbit in its houle," by a hearth where there was "enough of the stuff to float the lot of them lyin' widin six inches of their shiny brogues."

So with that he made off with himself straight to Andy Curtis; an' before three days more was past, the weddin' kem an', an' Nell Gorman an' Andy Curtis was married as complate as possible; an' if the wake was plisint the weddin' was tin times as agreeble, an' all the neighbours that could make their way to it was there, an' there was three fiddlers an' lots iv pipers, an' ould Connor Shamus the piper himself was in it by the same token it was the last weddin' he ever played music at, for the next mornin', whin he was goin' home, bein' mighty hearty an' plisint in himself, he was smothered in the snow, undher the ould castle; an' by my sowl he was a sore loss to the bys an' girls twenty miles round, for he was the illigantest piper, barrin' the liquor alone, that ever worked a bellas.

How did you get this, eh?" "Faith, sor, the ould moon looked so moighty plisint that night that I took a lunar or two, jist to divart mesilf with, when Spokeshave wint below and there was nobody lift to poke fun at, sure!" "A very useful sort of amusement," said the skipper drily. "And I see, too, you've put in the distance we've run, by dead reckoning, as about another fifty miles or so?"

Whin th' King iv Siam wants a plisint evenin', who does he sind f'r but a lively Kerry man that can sing a song or play a good hand at spile-five? Whin th' Sultan iv Boolgahria takes tea, 'tis tin to wan th' man across fr'm him is more to home in a caubeen thin in a turban.

I seen her meself a few minnits, an' she was fond av the Capt'in, ma'am, an' graivs fur him; and she said to say the big cat slapin' on the rug moight make the room same homeloike to yez. She knowed Capt'in Errol whin he was a bye an' a foine handsum' bye she ses he was, an' a foine young man wid a plisint word fur every one, great an' shmall.

'In the place, where I spend most iv my time, says he, 'except the little leisure I have for lookin' about me here, says he, 'I have to walk a great dale more than I was ever used to, says he, 'and by far more than is good for me either, says he; 'for I must tell you, says he, 'the people where I am is ancommonly fond iv could wather, for there is nothin' betther to be had; an', moreover, the weather is hotter than is altogether plisint, says he; 'and I'm appinted, says he, 'to assist in carryin' the wather, an' gets a mighty poor share iv it myself, says he, 'an' a mighty throublesome, warin' job it is, I can tell you, says he; 'for they're all iv them surprisingly dhry, an' dhrinks it as fast as my legs can carry it, says he; 'but what kills me intirely, says he, 'is the wakeness in my leg, says he, 'an' I want you to give it a pull or two to bring it to shape, says he, 'and that's the long an' the short iv it, says he.

Out I wint round beyont the Pint Pescade, an' off wid me close an' into the say. Och! but it was plisint! Well, just as I was coming out, who should I see on the rocks above me but a big thief of an Arab? I knew at wance that if I was to putt on close he'd guess, maybe, who I was, so I came out o' the wather an' ran straight at him naked meanin' to frighten him away like.

"Me name's Tim Rooney, as I tould you afore, Misther Gray- ham sure, an' it's fond I am ov bacon, avic, an' ham, too, by the same token! I'd have ye to know, as ye're a foorst-class apprentice which kills me enthirely wid the laffin' sure! that I'm the bosun av the Silver Quane; an' as we're agoin' to be shipmets togither, I hopes things'll be moighty plisint atwane us, sure."