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'Well, it don't look like my old one, do it? said Liza. 'Where did yer git it? asked another friend, rather enviously. 'Picked it up in the street, of course, scornfully answered Liza. 'I believe it's the same one as I saw in the pawnbroker's dahn the road, said one of the men, to tease her. 'Thet's it; but wot was you doin' in there? Pledgin' yer shirt, or was it yer trousers?

We've been singing hymns, and recitin' lovely poems, and listenin' to reports as to how money spent for liquor would pay off the national debt; and we've been sayin' prayers, and pledgin' ourselves not to do things none of us ever was tempted to do, or thought of doin', and wearin' ribbons, and attendin' conventions, and talkin' about influencin' legislation at Washington, and eatin' sandwiches, and drinkin' weak tea, and doin' goodness knows what; but we've not done a blessed thing to stop men drinkin' right here in Durford and breakin' the town law; you know that well enough."

There's no power like a boy's, an' a boy will do anythin' that's big and brave and worth the doin'. In a year from now I'm goin' to start a crusade, like the Children's Crusade in hist'ry, an' march to every mill an' fact'ry in the United States where a child is workin', and make the owner sign a paper pledgin' himself not to employ a child again.

Be it resolved: We can't take any stock in Charly, ontil he wears his hair parted in the middle and done up in a waterfall, pledgin' himself to go his entire length, next winter, for the 16th Commendment. Cries of "them's um!" "Kor-rect!" Mrs. How then got up and said thusly: "My friends: I'me down onto colleges like a 1000 of brick. They are the mad puddles of artificial ignorance.