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He went inside to the jangling of a player-piano in dire need of a tuner's service, and sat down near the back of the hall with his hat upon his lifted knees which could have used more space between the seats. While they waited for the program they talked in low tones, a mumble of commonplaces.

In the evenings, especially, the young people's fun drew all the idle hands about the place, as well as the family itself. There were a player-piano and a fine phonograph in the big drawing-room. The windows of this room opened down to the floor, and the cowboys from the bunk house, the Mexicans, and even Ah Foon, gathered on the side porch to hear the music.

For once she lost her hard little worldly screwed-up expression and was wreathed in smiles of genuine eagerness: "Oh Boy!" she exclaimed delightedly, dancing around the room, "Now we can have a victrola, an' a player-piano, and Dan'll get a Ford, one o' those limousine-kind! Won't I be some swell? What'll the girls at the store think now?" "H'm!

Porter spoke to me about getting him a player-piano when he is stronger, you know. Doctor Young comes in to play cribbage with him it's amazing how the day fills itself! It's such a joy to me," she added, with the radiant look she often wore when her husband's comfort was under consideration, "to feel that we need never worry about the money end of things there's enough for what we need forever!"

What you want to wish on us instalment player-piano, electric dish-washer, magazine subscriptions, or " "Excuse me," I cuts in, producin' the letter; "but, while you're a grand little guesser, your start is all wrong. I came to see Mrs. Bagstock about this. Lives here, don't she?" "Oh, Auntie?" says the young party in the boudoir cap. "Then I guess you can come in. Now, lemme see.

The Babbitts and Rieslings sat doubtfully on stone-hard brocade chairs in the small living-room of the flat, with its mantel unprovided with a fireplace, and its strip of heavy gilt fabric upon a glaring new player-piano, till Mrs. Riesling shrieked, "Come on! Let's put some pep in it! Get out your fiddle, Paul, and I'll try to make Georgie dance decently." The Babbitts were in earnest.

Schools which furnish a maximum of opportunity to enjoy music and pictures may hope to develop in their community a power of discrimination in these fields which will result in satisfaction with nothing less than the best. The player-piano and the phonograph may mean more in the development of musical taste in a community than all of the lessons which are given in the reading of music.

I saw that the brutalisation of the player-piano resulted from people who thought they had earned the whole right, because they paid a price; that they did not bring the awe and reverence to their interpretations, and therefore they got nothing but jingle and tinkle and din. I didn't know the buttons and levers, but I had an idea how a certain slow movement should sound, if decently played.

Beamis sniffed when she came in here she's the woman whose trunk got loose on the stairs I told you about sniffed as if the place smelt musty. She's got a husband who's made a million dollars out of dry goods in Chicago, and she thought the room wanted re-furnishing. Didn't say it, but I knew. A player-piano is what she wanted. Didn't say it, but I knew. Umph!"

It was very quiet; we stood uncertainly after the car had gone, and looked at the two or three doors in sight. They were heavy, covered with metal, and sound proof. From somewhere above came the metallic accuracy of a player-piano, and through the open window we could hear or feel the throb of the Cannonball's engine. "Well, Sherlock," McKnight said, "what's the next move in the game?