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"Ha! ha! ha!" laughed the Abbe de Chaulieu. "How like Fontenelle! what an anomalous creature 'tis! He has the most kindness and the least feeling of any man I ever knew. Let Hamilton find a pithier description for him if he can!" Whatever reply the friend of the /preux Grammont/ might have made was prevented by the entrance of a young man of about twenty-one.

Her eyes tore up and down the folded sail; this sentence was different sharper, pithier, better rounded than she had written it. A soliloquy was missing there and better so, its inclusion would have been a mistake. Oh, how good, how good he was!

Nor were there wanting on this occasion some vivid glances that were burthened, as they passed aslant, their fair faces, with pithier feelings than those that originated from a simple desire of victory.

"Ha! ha! ha!" laughed the Abbe de Chaulieu. "How like Fontenelle! what an anomalous creature 'tis! He has the most kindness and the least feeling of any man I ever knew. Let Hamilton find a pithier description for him if he can!" Whatever reply the friend of the preux Grammont might have made was prevented by the entrance of a young man of about twenty-one.

But so soon as his eye became single, he stood pronounced in his individuality, less broadly indifferent than of yore, but organized and firm. In this inert world the body pursues but imperfectly the processes of the soul. These three days had made small change in Helwyse's face. His expression was less serene than of yore, but pithier as well as more joyful.